View Full Version : biting bugs

09-03-2002, 19:42
Due to the hot climate in florida there are of course many ants and insects
to ensure you keep these little creatures out of your home here are a few tips to follow
keep all doors and windows closed or use the bug screens provided if you have to open them
if you cant resist dinning out on the patio sweep up all crumbs that have fallen after you have eaten or you might have a little army marching along your pool area
avoid leaving food stuffs on units or around the house keep everything in the fridge or cupboards
watch the children dont take food into the bedrooms and leave around
all homes have pest control but need everyone to do their to help keep these little creatures out
the tiny lizards you will see wandering about are not dangerous and they will also help keep out the insects

ann duncan

09-03-2002, 19:50
There can be lots of mosquitoes in Orlando in Summer and even more if you are in the Everglades and the Keys. Fortunately they have eradicated malarial mosquitoes but even so, the bites can be troublesome particularly if you are allergic to them and come up in a huge swollen bump as I do. Get a "professional" maximum strength insect repellent from a camping or youth hostelling shop rather than a mainstream chemist. If you do swell up, try a anti histamine cream ( ask at your local branch of Eckerts or Walgrens).
Fire ants can also be a problem. In spite of all attempts at pest control, you will still sometimes find these in your villa lawns. They come out in the evenings and bite your ankles and feet. Too small to see almost, but the bite really stings. So when spraying your repellent on, don't forget your feet!!

Julie Carty

11-03-2002, 00:23
I brought back some anti-histamine tabs in Oct. I think it might be a good idea to start taking them a week before I go in October.

I really suffered and forgot just how bad it could be. They don't just bite at night-I got one at 4pm while watching hubby on the water ride at AK.



13-03-2002, 16:59
We always start taking anti-histamine about a week before, my mother reacts badly to bites. Walgreens pharmacies have every kind of cream, lotion and tablet imaginable and the pharmacists are very good with advice. They have great range for kids, with flavoured tablets etc.

Friends of ours were on the Keys and couldn't understand why it was only $20 for a round of golf at a luxurious golf-club. Needless to say, 5 hours later, they were covered from top-to-toe in mosquito bites and were quite poorly. There was a particularly bad problem last year at the Keys but obviously the golf-club did not warn them and when questioned, simply replied that "you never asked" - that is not typical of USA service I have to say.