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06-03-2002, 14:26
For those of us who don't enjoy the rides that aim to have your stomach hitting your throat in 60 seconds there is plenty of good shopping to be done. Well, you've got to do something as they queue -that's my excuse.

If you have a Winnie the Pooh fan in your household, don't forget the little shop between Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain. You often find Pooh items that are not on sale anywhere else. This year I found white (snow) Tigger and Eyeore and smuggled them home for a Christmas present which was completely unexpected.


06-03-2002, 22:42
Also in Magic Kingdom there is a fabulous Christmas shop where you can buy "all things Disney" relating to Christmas. It does do good "on sale" items at times but definitely worth a look round.

07-03-2002, 02:12
The shop actually inside the castle has posh stuff coting big bucks- swords and suits of armour and those little crystal figures that people collect. We once had to buy one of those for a work colleague. It was a crystal Dumbo, limited edition for the 25th birthday celebrations, only available at that shop in the castle anywhere in the world. It was two inches high and cost over £100 ( she is a serious collector). We had to put it on our credit card and were terrified at getting it back in one piece ( but we did).

Julie Carty

27-03-2002, 20:51
Shopping in Magic Kingdom is great, but very exoensive for some things. If its not a one-off, its best to go to the Character premier shop in Belz mall on International Drive, you can buy everything disney there, ususlly last years stock and at massive discounted prices.