View Full Version : Golfing Partner Required

12-09-2007, 17:43
My wife & I are staying at Sunset lakes between 10th & 17th November. I am looking for a golfing partner for a couple of games.
Thanks in anticipation.

12-09-2007, 20:33
AAAgh, we arrive 22nd Nov.

play time
20-09-2007, 15:12
hi paul, we are in the hamptons for the month of nov. would love to hook up for a couple of games; early morn. is my preffered time. bob

Cruella DeVilla
20-09-2007, 15:16
The Hamptons, it's a long way to travel for a game of golf Bob[laugh]

play time
20-09-2007, 15:21
for golf to far is not in my vocabulary[sporty]