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View Full Version : How odd is this

09-08-2003, 02:19
Chatting to an old friend today that I havent seen in approx 6 years
and it turns out he owns 2 properties in Davenport, also found out
that another old school friend actually lives in the Condo's that are
by the Pier at Cocoa beach (we were there last week)

Strange or what


09-08-2003, 02:29
quote:Originally posted by chrisj

Chatting to an old friend today that I havent seen in approx 6 years
and it turns out he owns 2 properties in Davenport, also found out
that another old school friend actually lives in the Condo's that are
by the Pier at Cocoa beach (we were there last week)

Strange or what


Its a small world......:)

We now have a roof and inside framework up in our Villa.....we are having a walkthrough done next week...before the drywalling goes up.....most the time is spent on the inside....I can't wait to see those pictures.....:)

09-08-2003, 02:36
In todays paper there were reports of how they were trying to prove what a small world it is. the theory is that any two random people can be associated through a chain of mutual acquaintances.
More than 60,000 volunteers from 100 countries took part in the "six degrees of separation" study organised by scientists and published yesterday.
Paricipants were asked to pass a message to one of 18 people in 13 countries.
The journal Science reported that most messages reached their target in 5-7 steps.
Men were most likely to pass it on to men and women to women. It was also found the most successful was through professional relationships rather than family or friends.

09-08-2003, 02:44
thats interesting Steph, theres many odd things like that which amaze me

Chrizzy please share the photos with us when you have them

I have 2 great sunset pictures I took last wednesday evening of the sunset, the first
was by Indian point and the next when we were at traffic lights on the 192 heading for
some food, when I have worked out how to post them I will


09-08-2003, 03:02
It might be a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it.[:0][:0]


09-08-2003, 03:12
hahahahah very good