View Full Version : tis the season to be merry

22-12-2005, 15:16
Following on from the posts christmas lunch traditional or not and christmas lunch mistakes i though that we have missed out a vital christmas topic

drink[msnoo] 'hic'

what do you drink to celebrate the christmas season?

is it traditional sherry,port and egg nog or do you splash out with champers to wash down your christmas lunch

i have an aunt who makes some tradional egg nog that makes us all squirm and oh she will be offended if you refuse a glass or two[sick]

and we usually have a non alcoholic drink with our christmas lunch but will have a port or whisky with the pudding /cheese


22-12-2005, 15:26
Champagne with breakfast, then again with lunch but will also have a lovely red. A nice long walk is then needed before we settle down for the evening and whatever takes our fancy, we tend to all opt for different drinks in the evening, so it could be anything from Champagne, G&T, Sherry, liquers whatever[beer] Crikey we sound like we have a drink problem[msnembarrased]

22-12-2005, 15:39
Champagne on Christmas Day.

Anything and everything the rest of the time [msnwink] [beer]

22-12-2005, 15:48
The special drink for Christmas day would be liquers. My hubby likes Benedictine and I like Drambuie. I usually make a drink for the family with Dark Rum which people don't drink much of these days but I think it is a Christmassy flavour. We also like Sloe Gin at Christmas.
I never drink at any other time so I daren't have much because my system is not used to it.
The sherry in the trifle and the brandy in the pud get me tipsy these days and if I pinch some of the children's wine gums I am well over board

22-12-2005, 15:53
A glass or two of good quality bubbly as soon as we get up.

Then G&T's bubbly and red throughout the day.[xx(]

22-12-2005, 18:32
Champagne or Bucks Fizz to start the day plus more at lunch with some nice red and white wine plus some vintage port with the cheese[msnwink]

22-12-2005, 18:36
Champagne or Bucks Fizz for us. Red through out the day "hic"

Plus a drink we have only just come across lately "Sloe Gin" excellent after a nice long walk in the winter months, warms your cockles as they say

22-12-2005, 20:54
Champers all morning, red & white wine for lunch, depending on who wants what, port afterwards. Stagger out with the dogs late afternoon, more wine and port in the evening. Caroline I think we match you!! That's when at home! Very abstemious when in Florida as gals insist on going to the cinema in the afternoon - we did it one year in between visits to Universal and is now a Florida tradition! We are cooking roast beef this year and attempting puffties in a muffin tin. Now can I drink a WHOLE bottle of champers and tell DH he has to drive....?[msnwink], sounds like a plan to me.

22-12-2005, 22:01
Dry martini and lemonade, also baileys with ice!!!! yum!!!![msnscared]