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View Full Version : Epcot at Christmas

04-11-2005, 14:30

I was reading (about 5.30am this morning) a thread about Epcot at Christmas. Dining, parade and fireworks. Can't find where I was reading it. I have looked on the Disney site and couldn't find any mention of it. I would like to get tickets. Can anyone help?[msnsmile2][msnwink]

19-11-2005, 21:08

My family and I went to Epcot last Christmas and will go again this Christmas when we are there. You just buy Disney tickets to go to Epcot you don't have to pay extra for the fireworks. To eat there, last year when we arrived we went straight to the parks booking office and booked for the place where we wanted to eat and was given a time to be at the restaurant. You can book in advance before you go from the disney booking web site but you need to know exactly what day you will be going to Epcot to book the meal and if it is raining you may not feel like going on that particular day. So we found it easier to book when we got there. Epcot doesn't have a parade anymore, it used to a couple of years ago.

We really enjoy it there, I hope you do to and what I have said above is some help to you.

Have a lovely time.


19-11-2005, 21:31
Margaret, you will love Epcot at Xmas and New Year, if can make both.

They do have the candlight procession, which I am told is stunning, but never had the time to do it myself.

There is always a party on in Epcot over New Year though. Dining is great, you can either do any of the countries around the lake. or on New Years Eve they do a special buffet in the Showcase plaza, this is not very well advertised, we have done it twice now and will again when we go out this year. its about $25 per head and eat as much as you like. and then you can just pop out and see the 12.00 firework display. They also have live music in the plaza as well as in the area about in between the lake and the rides. I can highly recommend Epcot. Although I knwo a lot of the parks do things as well. We have found this to be our favourit.

25-11-2005, 10:23
Thanks Sue & Ceri

We come home New Year's Eve but we will certainly give it a go during the week. We are going out tomorrow for a week and back again on Christmas Eve[msnsmile2], won't even have time to unpack between visits.[msneek]

25-11-2005, 12:01

this maybe the one your looking for!!:D