View Full Version : buisness broker

12-05-2005, 00:21
hi can anyone recommend a good buisness broker in the orlando area. We Are thinking of using Lesly silletto to sort out our visa. How much on average is a buisness brokers fee?
Thanks Claire

12-05-2005, 01:02
Lesley is great. I am naming no names but I wouldnt recommend the business broker she sometimes works with, we just didnt rate him. Frankly pretty much all of them will sell you what is on their books to get the commission. The one we used tried long and hard to get us to buy businesses we had no interest at all in, errrr, on E2, this is for life!! Have a look at www.fbba.com and www.bizmls.com and do your own research with no-one pressuring you,