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02-05-2005, 21:18
<span style=&#39;color:red&#39;><span style=&#39;font-family:Comic Sans MS&#39;> 27% of Americans believe we never landed on the moon.

27% of U.S. male college students believe life is &#39;a meaningless existential hell.&#39;

3% of all mammals are monogamous

315 entries in Webster&#39;s 1996 dictionary were misspelled.

315 words in the 1996 Webster&#39;s dictionary were mispelled.

4 tablespoons of ketchup has about the same amount of nutrition as a ripe tomato.

40% of all people who come to a party snoop in your medicine cabinet.

40% of McDonald&#39;s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

43.7% of all statistics are made up right on the spot

48% of astronauts experience motion sickness.

52% of Americans drink coffee.

55.1% of all US prisoners are in prison for drug offenses.

56,000,000 people go to Major League baseball games each year

67 million pounds of pesticides and about 3 million tons of fertilizer are used annually on lawns in the US.

78 rpm albums, used prior to 1948, were only capable of recording for four minutes. It wasn’t until later that year that Columbia Records introduced 33 rpm albums capable of playing 23 minutes per side.

80% of animals on earth are insects.

80% of arrested criminals are male.

In Disney&#39;s Fantasia, the Sorcerer to whom Mickey played an apprentice was named Yensid, which is Disney spelled backward.

By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.

One in ten people live on an island.

84% of a raw apple is water.

It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

85% of men who die of heartattacks during intercourse, are found to have been cheating on their wives.

85,000,000 tons of paper are used in the United States each year.

28% of Africa is classified as wilderness. In North America, its 38%.

Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

Sherlock Holmes NEVER said &#39;Elementary, my dear Watson&#39;, Humphrey Bogart NEVER said &#39;Play it again, Sam&#39; in Casablanca, and they NEVER said &#39;Beam me up, Scotty&#39; on Star Trek.

90% of bird species are monogamous; only 3% of animals are.

90% of New York City cab drivers are recently arrived immigrants.

98% of all murders and rapes are by a close family member or friend of the victim.

98% of the weight of water is made up from oxygen.

99% of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as jack-o-lanterns.</span id=&#39;Comic Sans MS&#39;></span id=&#39;red&#39;>

03-05-2005, 12:05
Elaine!!! your Mad!!!!!!!!

how can you be so bored??????