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25-10-2005, 22:27
Ok, don't want to get banned from a holiday forum, how uncool would that be?[msncool]

Paula D-S
25-10-2005, 22:32

It's got to the point now were I don't check for emails I check to see were you have posted just to see what your up to:D:D:D

25-10-2005, 22:52
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka

Ok, don't want to get banned from a holiday forum, how uncool would that be?[msncool]

Don't go there[msnwink]

25-10-2005, 23:16
Thought I'd pop in to see how everyone's doing! Things have hotted up in here[msnwink]

<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
We could have a wet T-shirt competition , how cool would that be? [msnsmile2] (in an artistic, and non shallow way of course)[msneek]
When you say "we", Macka, I presume you will not be competing. Ladies..we will have to think of something for Macka!

25-10-2005, 23:18
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Aiminghigh
Thought I'd pop in to see how everyone's doing! Things have hotted up in here[msnwink]

<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
We could have a wet T-shirt competition , how cool would that be? [msnsmile2] (in an artistic, and non shallow way of course)[msneek]
When you say "we", Macka, I presume you will not be competing. Ladies..we will have to think of something for Macka!

Ooh..just had a thought..maybe Macka has manboobs???[msnsmile2]

25-10-2005, 23:19
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Aiminghigh
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Aiminghigh
Thought I'd pop in to see how everyone's doing! Things have hotted up in here[msnwink]

<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
We could have a wet T-shirt competition , how cool would that be? [msnsmile2] (in an artistic, and non shallow way of course)[msneek]
When you say "we", Macka, I presume you will not be competing. Ladies..we will have to think of something for Macka!

Ooh..just had a thought..maybe Macka has manboobs???[msnsmile2]

What a thought Carole[msnwink][msnwink]

25-10-2005, 23:26
If firm, sculpted, chiseled pecs are manboobs, then yes, I probably have.[^]

Gosh Ladies, you are just soooooo shallow...[^].....

26-10-2005, 00:54
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
If firm, sculpted, chiseled pecs are manboobs, then yes, I probably have.[^]

Gosh Ladies, you are just soooooo shallow...[^].....

Paul you really need to post a photo[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

26-10-2005, 01:07
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
If firm, sculpted, chiseled pecs are manboobs, then yes, I probably have.[^]

Gosh Ladies, you are just soooooo shallow...[^].....

Paul you really need to post a photo[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

Can't wait!!!![msnsmile2]

Paula D-S
26-10-2005, 01:58

Paul you really need to post a photo[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

No No No I like the one he already posted

26-10-2005, 04:26
Well, I am shocked, all this talk of miss wet t-shirt contests!![msnembarrased][}:)] Well we can dream can't we[msnwink] And as for you Macka, I am sure we can dream something up[msntongue].

Another pound off today, so all that restraint did work.

Well done Liesa, hope you enjoy the trial. Talking of clothes the FP inspected my wardrobe as I checked the old clothes I can get back into now I am 21lbs lighter than when I first started at SW last September. I now have a VERY small wardrobe as FP have decided nearly all my old clothes are "fat clothes" or "frumpy" and I now have a huge pile to go to the charity shop. Gerry Weber linen jacket, Anna Schulz blouse - think I am going to retrieve that, have sussed out if I tuck it in it might work - had to agree large bulky shapeless blouse - even in sheer black chiffon - did nothing for me plus loads more! My work suits are falling off me, ditto my winter coat and jacket. In a fit of enthusiasm I hit Monsoon this afternoon, found 1 top I liked, but I am so mean, thinking £35 for a top when I can find something like that in dollars in Florida in a few weeks time! Did fall in love with a lovely skirt, but decided £75 was too much for a skirt that did not have elasticated waist and therefore could not shrink with me - don't you love the positive thoughts peeps!! Whole exercise was started as we are off to Dubai for my belated 50th birthday treat in a few weeks time and was just checking what fits me. Am hitting Windsor tomorrow afternoon, maybe a pair of shoes will have my name on[^].

Paula D-S
26-10-2005, 10:44
Well done Fiona. Hope you have alovely time in Dubai.

26-10-2005, 11:46
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin


Paul you really need to post a photo[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

No No No I like the one he already posted

I agree, why mess around with perfection.[msnwink]

Fiona, done Dubai twice now, if you haven't been before you'll love it. The hotels are utterly world class.[msnoo]

26-10-2005, 12:15
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin


Paul you really need to post a photo[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

No No No I like the one he already posted

I agree, why mess around with perfection.[msnwink]

Fiona, done Dubai twice now, if you haven't been before you'll love it. The hotels are utterly world class.[msnoo]


Ditto that!!! You will have a great time and well done[clap][clap][clap][clap]

26-10-2005, 13:15
Well done Fiona - have a great trip.

Liesa, enjoy you're induction day - you will be brilliant at it I'm sure......
Keep the posive attitude about the dieting and you'll be in sparkly jeans long before your next trip to Florida.

I was very naughty again last night - and before Macka adds his wicked comments - I mean I had garlic bread, potato skins and dip and pizza

Just warming up for the next two weeks [msnwink]

26-10-2005, 13:19
Weigh in before leaving TOMORRROW, 14 hours to go.

Lost 2 pounds so now going to forget about it all for 4 weeks.

Why does there always seem so much to do before you go on holiday? The house to clean, the dog to sort out, finish the packing, do all the paperwork and of course I just have to watch Tim Henman and Andy Murray play against each other this afternoon on the box.



26-10-2005, 14:03
Fiona have a fab time, you deserve it!!!
Jill hope you have a fab time!!

i lost <span style="color:red">1LB</span id="red">with the nurse
wish it was more, but i can feel it coming off the body again!! my favourite skirt is sooooo annoying its baggy around the waist, wont be able to wear it for much longer![msncry]
still i can buy a new one!! but then dont wanna buy because i dont want to stop with 1-2 sizes down!!!

<span style="color:red">16stone 6lbs today</span id="red">

26-10-2005, 14:42
WOW Fiona
congratulations on your 21 lb weight loss

you are a STAR !!!


26-10-2005, 14:51

Congratulations to you too it was only 1/2 for me this week and i was so disappointed so i know how hard it is to really really want more

but as my consultant says "the scenic route may take longer but is still gets you to your destination

and its usually a much more enjoyable journey


26-10-2005, 15:28
Well don all you LOSERS!!!![clap][clap][clap][clap]

26-10-2005, 15:53
Well done everyone - although it is sooooooo satisfying to lose a huge amount it is often easy to put it back on, so slow and steady is the best way!

We are off 22nd I think, and it will be my second trip there, but Chris goes several times a year on business. We were hoping to have a couple of days in Bahrain as well to visit one of the factories but it seems too difficult to organise, so will do a 3 day trip there another time.

Having a big debate as to whether to stay in the Grosvenor House which is brand new and doing special half board offers but is surrounded by building or go back to the Jebel Ali where you are away from the hustle and bustle of the city and could be on a tropical island. I think I am plumping for the Jebel Ali as could do with 5 days of R&R!![clap]

26-10-2005, 18:31
cor listen to you!! decisions decisions!!!!
shall we have mash or chips tonight?
[laugh][laugh][laugh] can we have some pics Fiona? please, you lucky girl!!!!
we'll all be thinking of you green with envy!!!

i'm a loser!! i'm a loser!! and a very happy loser!![laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
what a great day!!

26-10-2005, 18:34
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by fiona
Well done everyone - although it is sooooooo satisfying to lose a huge amount it is often easy to put it back on, so slow and steady is the best way!

We are off 22nd I think, and it will be my second trip there, but Chris goes several times a year on business. We were hoping to have a couple of days in Bahrain as well to visit one of the factories but it seems too difficult to organise, so will do a 3 day trip there another time.

Having a big debate as to whether to stay in the Grosvenor House which is brand new and doing special half board offers but is surrounded by building or go back to the Jebel Ali where you are away from the hustle and bustle of the city and could be on a tropical island. I think I am plumping for the Jebel Ali as could do with 5 days of R&R!![clap]

Mrs. Macka and I did the Burj a couple of years ago, that was something[:O].

The Jumaira beach next door is great too, stayed there in 2003, lots of nice restaurants in there.

26-10-2005, 20:45
Jebel Ali for me[msnwink]

27-10-2005, 09:46
Hello from California [msnsmile2]

Am trying to be good - eating lots of fish dishes. Also doing lots of exercise - been yomping in the Big Sur and walked for miles around San Francisco. Also a family bike ride along the seafrint in Monterey.
This morning it was a 2 hour tour of Hearst Castle - Lee thinks I am conning him into a healthy holiday.

Well Done Fiona and enjoy Dubai

Will try and catch up soon

27-10-2005, 11:17
glad your having a great time Jan,
nice and healthy, thats what we like to hear!!

27-10-2005, 11:55
Enjoy Jan!!!!!

Weigh in for me tomorrow, its been a mixed week so watch this space tomorrow[msnscared]

27-10-2005, 13:39
Have a great time Jan.

Last weigh in tommorrow morning before I jet off.
Probably won't get on here tommorrow though so won't be able to let you all know - probably just as well after the week I've had [msnembarrased] [msnembarrased]

27-10-2005, 15:07
tut tut (Julieanne)Julie!!
still you go and enjoy your holiday to the best place in the world!! hope the parents dont play you up to much!!!
will be thinking of you!! eat what you like i'm sure you'll get back on track when you return!!![grouphug]

"work update"
have just spent 2 and 1/2 hours going to see what is expected of you! i like it!! hope they want me, got inductionand training of all sorts of things next week!! fingers crossed they like me!!!
theres some lovely elderly people out there!!![grouphug]

27-10-2005, 17:17
Glad you enjoyed it Liesa, how could they not want you?[msnwink]

Jan - California sounds wonderful, can't wait for the pics, and am soooooo impressed with the body magic that is going on!!

27-10-2005, 17:20
Thanks Fiona!![grouphug]

27-10-2005, 18:45
Sounds great Liesa[clap][clap][clap]

28-10-2005, 00:57
Glad everythings go so well fiona, you deserve the best.

Congrats to everyone who has lost this week.

Well well Liesa, congratulations on the weight loss and the job. It's so nice to
have your own money and the elderly will love having you look in on them, so much to say and so little time to say it:D

went to Slimming World 2nite, my neighbour put on weight and so did my Megan[V], but she thought she would, but low and behold I ACTUALLY lost 2 1/2lbs. It's the first time in eight weeks I have lost more than them in a week (but they have both lost more overall) I was shocked.[msneek]


28-10-2005, 03:26
Well done Kaz, you get rewarded for all the hard work - eventually!![clap]

28-10-2005, 03:36
Kaz that is brilliant!!! it will give you the boost you need!!!! am very very pleased for you!! sorry to Megan but hey maybe next week? oh and your neighbour[msnwink]

happy days are here again! tra la la la la

28-10-2005, 13:12
Well done Kaz!!!![clap][clap][clap]

I too lost 2lbs[clap][sporty][clap][sporty][clap][sporty]

Finally got some sunshine yesterday so walked for 2 hours[sporty][sporty][sporty]

28-10-2005, 13:35
Well Done Kaz

and well done Julie on your 2 lb losses

how much weight loss is that so far for you both ?


28-10-2005, 13:36
very well done to you to Julie,surely you havent got much more to do now?[clap][clap][clap]

28-10-2005, 13:49
Mizzy/ Liesa, I have YoYo'd a bit but in total around 10lbs (had a change of scales mid diet which did not help) like to lose another 10lbs, my size 14's are now loose (Im 5' 7") so I want to be back into 12's comfortably[msnwink]

I have a yeast overgrowth which I have just started taking supplements for and they seem to be working, yeast overgrowth can inhibit weight loss apparently[msnwink]

Sally D
28-10-2005, 14:33
Hi, I'm back[msncry]

Have not long been home and already been on the scales to get the bad news[msnscared], and yes it is bad news.

I have managed to put on <span style="color:red">7lb</span id="red">[msnoo][msnoo][msnsad][msneek][msnscared]

28-10-2005, 14:33
i am very happy, some months ago i bought some "new" denim skirts from ebay, and they are new, i was so disapponited that they were very tight, this was a few months ago when i was in a 24, but had lost a few pounds so bit silly of me, but turned out to be in my favour, i bought 22, but when this lovely skirt came, it was to tight on my hips so i hung it up along with a few others i got as well, anyway i have now put it on!! and its a size 22 but still big around my waist but little loose on my thighs!!
oh how happy!!!!
i have decided whilst i am the most serious i have ever been about dieting, so going to buy a couple of "used" skirts denim ones my favourites, which will help me as my clothes get a little bigger!!!:D well, it seems so silly to go and buy many new clothes when i know i plan to get smaller!!!!
[clap][clap][clap][clap][clap] and i most certainly wont keep them!! i am never going back to a size 24 again!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28-10-2005, 14:43
http://www.orlando-guide.info/forums/Data/LiesaAnna/20051028104148_4036994B12-088B-D0F4-85E18F768CD9CF80.jpgthis is me today!! excuse the hair!! just fresh out the shower!!!:D
there was a time when i wouldnt let anyone take any photos of me! now i love it, because thanks to this site and this thread, i have started to "really" lose weight, no mucking about!!!
i cant tell you how happy i feel!!!

28-10-2005, 15:08
Virtual "wo[msnsmile2]f whistle" Liesa

28-10-2005, 20:18
is it the slipper?[msnwink]
well i like showing what i look like cos i have got into 16 stone bracket and very proud of myself, i have been trying for years and no sucess so i think its definately here thats done it, support when the craving for a nibble takes you!!!
its a big Thank You to all of you! long may it last!!![msnwink]

29-10-2005, 01:36
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sally D
Hi, I'm back[msncry]

Have not long been home and already been on the scales to get the bad news[msnscared], and yes it is bad news.

I have managed to put on <span style="color:red">7lb</span id="red">[msnoo][msnoo][msnsad][msneek][msnscared]

Sally don't worry it will soon drop off[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

29-10-2005, 01:36
Looking good Liesa!![clap][clap][clap]

29-10-2005, 02:47
sally 7lbs is what i put on, infact most of the family put on 7lbs, not fair in my case because of being ill, and unable to eat very much especially the first week, and i walked for England especially around walmart so i dont understand it really, as other members of the family, with the amount they ate should have put on more then a stone!!!!!! piggy piggy oinl oinks!!!!

am sure you will soon have that off Sally???[msnwink]

29-10-2005, 13:15
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
Had a bad day yesterday but going to be an [angel] today[msnwink]

Was reading thro very quickly about how everybody is losing weight and as I read this I (and don't ask me how or why) I read it as "Had a baby yesterday" at which point I thought oh that would gaurantee a few pounds lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![msnembarrased]

Liesa you're looking great, keep up all the hard work.


29-10-2005, 14:04
thanks Mel, its good for me, because the joints altho still paining me at times (this morning being one of those times) makes me feel so much better!! it has got to be the support from here, as i said before i have tried dieting for so many years and no sucess and now ???????????? well its the OV that has helped!!
had to show that photo above for me because i hate photos being taken, my hips are so wide cos my bum WAS so big and now, its not really my main large feature, its changed from my bum to my bingo wings, never bothered me before but now it does!!!

29-10-2005, 19:58
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by melvazquez
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
Had a bad day yesterday but going to be an [angel] today[msnwink]

Was reading thro very quickly about how everybody is losing weight and as I read this I (and don't ask me how or why) I read it as "Had a baby yesterday" at which point I thought oh that would gaurantee a few pounds lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![msnembarrased]


Glad I didn't have a baby yesterday I have already got 5 children Mel[msnwink]

Sally D
29-10-2005, 20:03
Right, today is the day that I start again. Must lose the 7lb I put on while in Florida.

Have just been to Asda for my shopping and the trolley was full of healthy things, nothing bad in there (apart from sweets for trick or treat).

Having bbq cooked chicken (no skin) and salad for dinner tonight, looking forward to that.

Peter got on the scales this morning and he put on 9lb and Rachel has put on 8lb. The other 2 have been no way near the scales so not sure about them.

29-10-2005, 20:06

Liesa, so pleased for you that you are winning the battle and don't worry about your arms they look fine to me.[msnsmile2]We are all so critical of ourselves even those skinny things in girly mags don't like their photo being taken unless they get the airbrush treatment.


29-10-2005, 20:39
if you had my bingo wings you would cry to![msncry]

i had 6 babies so its their faults i am fat!!!

if its the kind of babies i think your on about my hubby had one of them!!!(i could've believed him!! he was so white!! dam dihydrocodiene tablets[msnwink])

31-10-2005, 15:38
Morning all!! Its very quite on here? Has everyone been good over the weekend?? I was very naughty had 4 y/o birthday party on Friday followed by family meals out all weekend[msnembarrased][msnembarrased][msnembarrased]We had such a nice time though so I have no regrets

So its back down to business from today[msnsmile2]

31-10-2005, 15:56
yep back to business Julie!!!

i was good over the weekend till we came back from Dads armed with those dam bars of big chocalate! only had a bit but theyre in the house now!!![}:)]:(

31-10-2005, 15:57
Hiya All.

I've been naughty. Can't tell you what I've eaten it'd take too long.

Bit of a heffer now me.[msnscared]

31-10-2005, 15:59
well its moday time to get the skipping rope out!!![msnwink]

31-10-2005, 16:24
Yes Leisa I do believe you're right.[xx(]

31-10-2005, 16:27
i'll watch!![msnwink]

31-10-2005, 16:36
Abstention day today for me after weekend of trying out the new galaxy bar, thanks to my dear daughter and husband for introducing that delight to me! Also roast pork with all the trimmings and apple crumble last night.

Oatflakes and grapes for brekkies, soup and an apple for lunch and spag bog (lots of pasta, little meat) & salad for supper. Now it is dark early got to walk the hounds on the streets instead of national trust land, which they will love with all the trick or treating going on, or perhaps forgo and nip to the gym instead!

31-10-2005, 17:02
ummmm Fiona thats a tough call!!!! i would rather walk the dogs!!![msnwink] well all happy then!!

01-11-2005, 01:43

well i've had a bloomin awful weekend food wise!

we have had decorators in thurs - sat and they took over the kitchen and utliity so have been having lots of snacks instead of healthy choices i've been making some rather dubious ones

you know the ones i mean , chocolate biscuits and crisps


and we had a trial run for our christmas dinner yesterday

roast turkey,stuffing,parsinps,sweet potatoes,roasties carrots,brocolli,cauli and sprouts (except for me i hate sprouts!!!)

and christmas pud with custard yum yum !!!

so i have to be a good girl now and behave myself

the only problem is the kids have been out trick or treating and we have bags and bags of candy

i will get other half to hide the candy so cannot be tempted


01-11-2005, 09:55
I had a really good day yesterday, porridge for breakfast, tuna salad and fruit salad for lunch, crispbreads and salad for tea[angel][angel][angel] I avoided all the Halloween treats too[angel][angel][angel]

Hope for another good day today[msnwink]

01-11-2005, 11:40
good day yesterday!!! didnt have time to do much picking let alone healthy food, had a few sweeties last night!! well it would've been rude to say no![msnwink]

off for my induction training today so have my packed lunch, its from 9.30am to 4.30pm[msnscared]
so no picking!![laugh] am so looking forward to this!! gonna be for the day!!!

01-11-2005, 13:23
Have a good day Liesa, let us know how you got on. Despite only having one set of trick or treaters - so loads of goodies left - have managed to be restrained and ate none of it!!

Toast & marmite for brekkies - on the hoof at 7.30 on the way to dropping YD off at the station and walking the hounds, and just going to make my salad before I go to work. Saw a diet in the telegraph yesterday about eating apples all the time, am going to have a look at the website and will report back if it looks worth trying!

Sally D
01-11-2005, 13:46
Have been so very good since I got back on Friday, must get rid of those extra pounds[msnscared]

Didn't have any trick or treats last night knocking at the door so have a bag of goodies left, have resisted so far.

Day at home today so will catch up on all my housework, washing etc. will try and keep busy all day so no time to pick.

Chicken fajitas wraps tonight for dinner

Liesa, hope everything goes well for you today, let us know.

01-11-2005, 14:01
didnt go, big failure, you have to have your familys blessing and i havent, so am very low and tearful now!

Sally D
01-11-2005, 14:11
Oh no Liesa, whats happened.

I don't know the ins and outs but I think it is a great idea having a little job. Gets you out and to be something apart from Mum all the time. I know I like going out. Have only just recently been going back to work after 15 years bringing up children. Also the money helps towards our holidays.

Chin up[grouphug]

01-11-2005, 14:50
i think after 25 years of marriage and 2 extra years of being together is very difficult for some of the family to grasp, so used to me being there, hes not that happy bout me losing too much weight either, think hes feeling very insecure

i want 2 littles holidays a year and some self importance!! i wanna be wanted for me not someones wife or mother!
i want nice things in life, not that i dont have them, just want some different things now, still want my husband cos i love him!![msnwink]

Sally D
01-11-2005, 15:10
Right, so it's your Steve. I am sure that between us all on here we can think of ways for you to get over this.

I think you are right in saying that he is feeling insecure about things, afterall everything is changing, you are losing weight and wanting to go out to work.

I am going to give this some thought as I go about my housework and am sure others will be on with some suggestions.

We are not talking about a full time job are we, just a few hours a week.

I had a few problems when I started back, not with husband but the girls, so used to me being here all the time. They don't need me 24/7 now. Things will work out, I'm sure.

01-11-2005, 15:17
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
i think after 25 years of marriage and 2 extra years of being together is very difficult for some of the family to grasp, so used to me being there, hes not that happy bout me losing too much weight either, think hes feeling very insecure

i want 2 littles holidays a year and some self importance!! i wanna be wanted for me not someones wife or mother!
i want nice things in life, not that i dont have them, just want some different things now, still want my husband cos i love him!![msnwink]

Hey now Leisa, ok the opportuntiy may have passed you by this time, but I think you need to put yourself first here, for everyone's sake. Your family will want a mum and wife who is happy, they may just not realise the importance of that yet. Of course your hubby feels insecure, he's used to and comfortable with the way you are, who knows what he's imagined happening when you "change" I think you have to find a way of letting them all know that you are about to metamorphose into a butterfly, but that you won't fly away and it won't change how much you love them.

Sorry Leisa how arrogant of me to say that, but I have seen this before. It's in no-ones interest for you to be unhappy.

01-11-2005, 15:24
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
i think after 25 years of marriage and 2 extra years of being together is very difficult for some of the family to grasp, so used to me being there, hes not that happy bout me losing too much weight either, think hes feeling very insecure

i want 2 littles holidays a year and some self importance!! i wanna be wanted for me not someones wife or mother!
i want nice things in life, not that i dont have them, just want some different things now, still want my husband cos i love him!![msnwink]

Liesa, In my view it is all about give and take, Steve can be insecure by all means but does he not understand that you will be around longer because you will be more healthy!!!

Also it will give you more self worth if you can get out and earn a few extra pennies[msnwink]

You can have both your little job and your husband why should it be either or?? That's just not very fair[msnsad]

Steve could at least let you do it for a trail period and if it does not work out you can always leave but it seems daft not to give it a go??


01-11-2005, 15:48
I agree with everything Macka and Julie said. See if you can come to a compromise on the working front, it will give you some well deserved self-esteem and (equally importantly) some independent money - even if you do save it for the holidays!

I used to work (apart from own self-satisfaction) to pay for holidays, then it became school fees and now it's the villa / holidays!

I agree everyone has issues when you start losing weight, but your health is the most important thing, and I am sure the whole family want you around forever, and the best way to ensure that is to be fit & healthy and slimmer!

A happy you = happy family.[grouphug] Chin up, see if you can keep the option open at the nursing home - they will probably understand the conflict when you have been a stay-at-home mum for a long time, and will want to be supportive. Happy employee = happy employer!!

01-11-2005, 15:55
Thanks all for your support, i dont know maybe i am overacting? but i feel terrible i have joint pain and a cold i think (dont normally have them) so maybe feeling too low, i feel very sick as well, but i was looking at fulltime work, i am so cheesed off with leg pain and sitting staring at these four walls doesnt help!
and as for the dam dog and the whining it gets me down!!
i called the careline people and explained , the lady was very understanding, said to take some time and call them back when i am ready, they will wait, so am very pleased about that, think i am going to just have to stand up to hubby!![}:)]
thanks again!! xx[grouphug]

Sally D
01-11-2005, 15:58
How about going for a part time job, keep everyone happy[msnsmile2]

01-11-2005, 16:27
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sally D
How about going for a part time job, keep everyone happy[msnsmile2]

I think part-time fits in really really well with being a wife and Mummy, try just doing school hours, that's what I do in my offical job[msnwink] Running the family business is 24/7!![msneek]

01-11-2005, 17:12
So many wise words spoken.

Thinking of you Liesa.


01-11-2005, 18:06
Thanks all[grouphug] think i may have blown this up with not feeling so good! will give him a good talking to tonight, and maybe we can reach some sort of happy medium

i would rather work full time with coming up to christmas extra pennies and all that!!
i dont know, i will have to think about this!![grouphug]

01-11-2005, 18:41


cant you tell him that you think it will make you happy and you at least want to have a try

focus on something he likes say snooker or the pub and ask him to think how he would feel if you ever prevented him from doing the things he likes to do

if this fails you could try the "ways to a mans heart approach" and cook him big steak with a nice cold beer etc;

and if all else fails you could use you feminie charms[msnwink]

hope it all gets sorted out for you

dont be sad[grouphug] Mizzy

01-11-2005, 19:58
thanks Mizzy,
unfortunately or fortunately he doesnt do pubs/snooker, only his motorbike rides, he loves his bike and i dont mind in the slightest as he works hard enough, i share the enthusiasm with him, etc

he most of the time makes me happy, so no problems there, i think he feels its all a bit sudden!! i always said when Terri my 16 almost 17 next week left school i would like to get a job, i guess he didnt think i meant it, in his defence i will just say, i was chatting to someone on the monday about what i would like to do, looked on the internet and found a job!! no hanging around once my mind is made up!!! and went for it, so i suppose he didnt have time to get used to it!!

but he always knew with my joints problem that by sitting and staring at the 4 walls wouldnt make my problem go away, not saying working would, but to have something different to think about would be very good for me, both for myself my joints and of course my weight as i wouldnt be picking (i dont
;)) but it takes my mind off the food!!
so lots for me and not for him really, but there would be he would reap the rewards of me being superfit and healthy!!![msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]
oh well his loss!![^]

01-11-2005, 21:26
Liesa what hours does Steve work? What if you were there when he left and then when he came home but you worked in between, he would not even notice you were gone[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

01-11-2005, 21:27
thanks Julie, am sure he would[msnwink] hes off between 9am and 6.30pm, i will let him feel so bad he wont want me around the house!!! [msnwink]

02-11-2005, 03:40

Bangers & mash cooked by DB for me while I was out, back with a vengeance tomorrow. And WILL get myself to the gym.

02-11-2005, 04:03
i ate chocalate!![msntongue] weigh in tomorrow!![msnoo]

Paula D-S
02-11-2005, 10:30
I've not posted for a few days now because my diet went completly out the window. Got weighed on Monday and I hadn't lost an ounce. I am really goiung to try harder now.

Good luck everyone[msnsmile2]

02-11-2005, 10:32
Paula, don't worry things happen, my weekend was a bit like that, just like you say get back on track[msnwink]

I have been really good so far this week so just keeping at it[msnwink]

Sally D
02-11-2005, 10:59
Well the scales say that I have already lost 3 of the 7lb that I put on while in Florida. Happy with that. Hope the scales are right as it seems alot since Friday.

02-11-2005, 11:27
well done Sally!![clap] wish my weight would go back to pre holidays! i am trying very hard, (that choc i had was only small bits!! honestly)

never mind Paula, we'll let you have a slip this week[msnwink] keep on trying it will shift!!!

stayed the same with the nurse!:( its always the way when i try really try it wont shift but when im not as bothered it sticks like glue!!!

02-11-2005, 14:55
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sally D
Well the scales say that I have already lost 3 of the 7lb that I put on while in Florida. Happy with that. Hope the scales are right as it seems alot since Friday.

Well done[clap][clap][clap]

02-11-2005, 15:38
Everyone back on course today?? Have a friend (Janny from here) coming for lunch so only had a banana for breakfast so I can use the extra for lunch. Supper will be pasta and salad.

Might get to the gym tonight, although it is What Not To Wear, so will have to be very well organised and get there early more or less straight after dog walking.

Expounded loads of energy this am cleaning fridge as had disaster with it yesterday and had to switch it off to defrost - water everywhere etc. Bin full of old rubbish and gleaming fridge.[clap]

02-11-2005, 17:31
Hi everyone! Sorry for the huge delay in writiing on here. I've been rather bogged down with essays from school and working. I lost 7.5lbs in my first week and then blew the whole thing when half term came round and i went to London. Dammit. Back on it now, and getting friends at school to help me. There's loads of us doing it together now teehee!!
Well done to everyone who's lost weight!!
speak soon!

02-11-2005, 17:35
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Baby_Mach
Hi everyone! Sorry for the huge delay in writiing on here. I've been rather bogged down with essays from school and working. I lost 7.5lbs in my first week and then blew the whole thing when half term came round and i went to London. Dammit. Back on it now, and getting friends at school to help me. There's loads of us doing it together now teehee!!
Well done to everyone who's lost weight!!
speak soon!

Well done sweetie!!!!

Love Mummy

02-11-2005, 17:39

Well done sweetie!!!!

Love Mummy

Blatant Favouritism that is.[msneek]

02-11-2005, 18:39
yeh i thought so too i didnt get a well done! did i????????[msnwink]

Paula D-S
02-11-2005, 20:25
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
yeh i thought so too i didnt get a well done! did i????????[msnwink]

Well done for staying the same Liesa.

02-11-2005, 20:48
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
yeh i thought so too i didnt get a well done! did i????????[msnwink]

Well done sweetie!!!!!!![grouphug][grouphug][grouphug][grouphug]

02-11-2005, 20:50
Ahhhh isn't this nice?[^]

02-11-2005, 21:29
thats better, thankyou!![grouphug]

02-11-2005, 21:52
Sorry it was on in the back ground at work but I was not tuned in [msnscared][msneek][msnoo]

Sharon G
02-11-2005, 23:53
Hello I,m back !!!.....6 days in Spain and 3lbs ON !!!!!!!![msncry][msncry][msncry]...think it was all the sangria I drank!!![msnscared][msnscared]

strict diet now as I only have 10 days till I go back to FLORIDA !!!!!! 1lb a day would do nicely!![msnwink][msnwink]

03-11-2005, 01:47
you can do it sharon!!!! we know you can!![clap][clap][clap]

03-11-2005, 10:14
You can do it Sharon, it will drop off in no time[msnwink]

I was so good this week so far then had a little hiccup last night but back to it again today[msnwink]

Have a good day all[msnsmile2]

03-11-2005, 11:09
was that hiccup due to a bottle of something?[msnwink]

come on we can do it!!! lets find the willpower!!! christmas is only weeks away!!!

Sally D
03-11-2005, 13:28
I am determined to do this, another 4lb holiday weight and then I'm going for another stone.

I will do it.

03-11-2005, 15:27
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
was that hiccup due to a bottle of something?[msnwink]

come on we can do it!!! lets find the willpower!!! christmas is only weeks away!!!

No it was peanut butter on a big chunk of wholemeal toast[msnembarrased]

03-11-2005, 15:44
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
was that hiccup due to a bottle of something?[msnwink]

come on we can do it!!! lets find the willpower!!! christmas is only weeks away!!!

No it was peanut butter on a big chunk of wholemeal toast[msnembarrased]

Shame.[:O] (Cor, nice though Julie, especially with a bit af jam as well[msnembarrased])

03-11-2005, 15:52
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
was that hiccup due to a bottle of something?[msnwink]

come on we can do it!!! lets find the willpower!!! christmas is only weeks away!!!

No it was peanut butter on a big chunk of wholemeal toast[msnembarrased]

Shame.[:O] (Cor, nice though Julie, especially with a bit af jam as well[msnembarrased])

It was really yummy!!!![laugh][laugh]

03-11-2005, 15:54
well as long as you enjoyed it or it wouldve been a waste!! been feeling like peanut butter sarnie for ages but have resisted so far!!

sally i am with you especially on this cos i want to do a stone at a time!!! so heres to the next one!!!

03-11-2005, 16:55
Peanut butter and jelly is even better (the old golly jam!).

Marmite and lashing of butter on wholemeal toast - now that is something I find hard to resist, and gave in today and had some!! Am off to the gym now for penance.

03-11-2005, 17:01
thanks Fiona! theres us trying to be good and you stuffing your face!!![laugh][msnwink]
shouldve left the butter off! you dont need it!![msnwink]
work hard at that gym girl!!!

Sharon G
04-11-2005, 01:43
Can't believe you've all been talking about peanut butter !!![msnoo][msnoo]...its one of my favourite snacks!!
But have you seen how many calories[msncry][msncry][msncry]

...think I will starve myself all day tomorow, then have just the one for my dinner[msnwink][msnwink]

(I won't have the butter on though)!!!

04-11-2005, 05:29

You are all fantastic the way you keep going at the diets!!!:D

I start and Stop.............but from next Monday (has to be a Monday!!) I will join you as I am determined to loose at least 2 stone[msnsmile2]

Paula D-S
04-11-2005, 10:21
Not having a bad week at all. I am very easily tempted, but I MUST succeed at this. I've got 8 months before I next go to Florida and I want to be slim, though I think only a surgeon will be able to get my tummy flat again. I have plans[msnwink]

04-11-2005, 11:30
[quote]Originally posted by Southsider


You are all fantastic the way you keep going at the diets!!!:D

I start and Stop.............but from next Monday (has to be a Monday!!) I will join you as I am determined to loose at least 2 stone[msnsmile2]

Tricia!! welcome on board!!
you know we can do this!!
except for the weekend we come to visit! right???
so annoying for me, sometimes the more i try the less i lose! think i need another anaestetic to get me jolted again! (no only joking) seem to really do something for me after having it for my knee!!!!!!!!!!!
right weekend looming!!!
so what we all gonna do about it???????

give it our bets shot!!!
positive thinking[drinkpepsi][drinkpepsi][drinkpepsi][drinkpepsi][drinkpepsi][grouphug][grouphug][grouphug][grouphug]
come on girls!! we can and we will lose this excess baggage!!!

04-11-2005, 11:37
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
Not having a bad week at all. I am very easily tempted, but I MUST succeed at this. I've got 8 months before I next go to Florida and I want to be slim, though I think only a surgeon will be able to get my tummy flat again. I have plans[msnwink]

Me too Paula.[msnsad]

04-11-2005, 13:35
Haven't been around for the past week, Phil hogging the computer and dare i say WORK commitments!!!( pays for the holidays i suppose)
Lost 2lbs last week(and it was half term)
Weighed today but have stayed the same.
I am still happy though[msnsmile2][msnsmile2][msnsmile2]


04-11-2005, 18:26
well done Karen!!!!

my bit of good news is i bought a <span style="color:red">new</span id="red"> denim skirt today in a <span style="color:red">size 20</span id="red">!!!!!![clap][clap][clap]i am so absolutely delighted!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

thats <span style="color:red">2</span id="red"> sizes down since joining you!!!!

<span style="color:red">i love you all</span id="red">
Thanks for all the support!!!!

04-11-2005, 18:40
Well done Leisa and Karen!![clap][clap][clap][clap]

Paula D-S
04-11-2005, 19:59
Well done Karen and Liesa. Size 18 next Liesa[msnwink]

How is the no smoking going Paul? Hope your sticking with it.

04-11-2005, 20:15
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
Well done Karen and Liesa. Size 18 next Liesa[msnwink]

How is the no smoking going Paul? Hope your sticking with it.

Yes Paula absolutely, no ciggy now for five weeks on Monday. I'm very surprised with myself but very proud too[^]. I won't smoke again now I just know I won't. I don't know why I know, I just do. But as I've said before I'm eating like a pig now.

Today's intake.

2 Toast, 3 Latte for brekkie

Then a Banana, and handfulls of assorted nuts with raisins

Toasted sausage and egg sarnie mid morning, then Cornish Pastie and half a pint of milk for lunch.

Embarrased to tell you this bit. As one of our folk leaves today it's cakes..[msnembarrased] 2 cream slices and a cream donut (yes 3 cream cakes)

I'm doing quite a lot of press ups in the morning so I'm getting quite muscular around my shoulders and pecs and upper arms but my tum is growing at an alarming rate.[msnscared] I have a beer belly, but I don't drink beers, not fair somehow. I'll sort it out soon, just need to hit on the formula.


Paula D-S
04-11-2005, 20:51
Are you taking on any new staff at your office, it sounds like my dream job. Well done with the smoking, I wish my husband would give it ago, have you been using any gum or patches....or just the comfort eating.

You've done great[angel]

Sharon G
04-11-2005, 21:06
Well done Liesa and Karen!!![clap][clap]

Welcome on board Tricia!!!!

Well I know I put on 3lbs last week......but I,ve been weighed today and have lost 4lbs!!!!!![msneek][msneek].....Think the scales last week were wrong!!!...but hope they are right today !!!
I,m gobsmaked to say the least!!

I might even treat myself to that peanut butter on toast tonight!! (only joking)[msnwink][msnwink]...toffee apples tomorow instead[msnwink][msnwink]

04-11-2005, 21:15
well done Sharon!! big pat on the back!!!!:D

04-11-2005, 21:55
Me and Megan went Slimming world last nighte, Megan lost three and a half pounds!!!! I managed to lose two pounds, second week on the trot, after six weeks of staying the same, they asked me how I had done it....first week I ate 7 mini Cadbury bars and last week went to the England v New zealand RL match and drank loads of that new Irish cider....consultant thought I was joking...seems that bingeing once a week has helped.[msnscared][msnembarrased][msnoo][msnwink][msnsmile2][clap][clap]


Congrats on the skirt Liesa, well done everyone.

04-11-2005, 21:58
well done Kaz and Megan!!!

i'm so happy!!!:D ov slimming rocks!!!

04-11-2005, 22:21
Well done all you losers!!![clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap]

Weigh in for me next Friday don't do weekly weigh ins as I don't lose enough each week!!

Going out to get new black trousers tomorrow, I normally buy a 14 in Next (they are a good fit as I am tall) but will try the 12's so watch this space[msnwink][sporty][sporty][sporty][sporty][sporty]

Treadmill tomorrow for me, don't normally do Saturdays but going for it!!!!![sporty][sporty][sporty][sporty]

04-11-2005, 22:34
fingers crossed Julie!! am sure they will fit nicely!!!

Paula D-S
04-11-2005, 22:41
Good Luck Julie.

04-11-2005, 22:49
Well done everyone, and hope you have gone down a size too Julie!

Bad day today, had to drive to Bournemouth and back again (via High Wycome on the way there) so been in the car all day, no lunch, got home starving, and had only had oat flakes and banana for brekkies.

Ok, (see Paul we can all admit our wrongdoings!!) one banana, 3 pieces of Galaxy and a piece of toast & marmite (showed it the butter though rather than slapped it on) later....

Fish cakes and sauteed pots (in frylite) + salad for supper. I have resisted the banana cake, but there is tarte au pommes and thick cream a beckoning!!

04-11-2005, 23:04
dont Fiona!!!!!!!!!!! you'll regret it!!! you know you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-11-2005, 13:03
well done everyone

i havent been bad but i havent been bloomin good either

weigh in is on monday night so goona do some exercise and make a big pan of carrot and coriander soup to keep the munchies at bay

only 7 more weigh in until christmas[msneek]


05-11-2005, 14:03
well............ i have just bought another new skirt od ebay (best way as theyre to expensive to keep buying when you know they shouldnt fit you soon!!
another size 20!!! well i havent been a size 20 in skirts for many years!!! 24 so 2 sizes down!!! very pleased with myself, only problem is, i have got on my scales this morning and it has made me 2lbs heavier!! talk about cheese me off!!!:(

05-11-2005, 15:26
Well done Liesa, it's a great feeling isn't it!

7 weeks to Christmas Eve - ok, who can lose half a stone and who can lose a stone - or even more!!

Are we going to have an OV pledge then peeps??

Had a soupcon of the apple tarte last night, but no brekkies this am, and soup and hard-boiled eggs for lunch! Supper I have to do bangers and mash, but will do loads of veggies for me! MIL is up for her 92nd birthday so we are taking her out for Sunday lunch tomorrow and Chinese Chow on Monday - and weigh in on Tues, so plenty of being good the rest of the time!!

Sharon G
05-11-2005, 15:30
Liesa, your doing so well. 2 sizes smaller is fantastic!! Never mind the 2lbs this morning!! look at me last week...put on 3lbs but now have lost 4lbs!!!!

You're a role model for us all!![clap]

05-11-2005, 15:48
thanks Sharon, thats really kind of you to say but i dont think so!

i feel cheesed off now! how can i really get going again!!!!! i didnt think i was eating more then normal!!!

maybe i should write it down everytime i go into the kitchen?
we'll see
nothing planned for tonight so wont over indulge there!!! i was hoping to be 1 stone in about 2-3 weeks![msncry]

Sally D
05-11-2005, 16:26
Well I must be doing it right this week[msnsmile2].

I brought a pair of jeans while in Florida, yes they were a little tight, put them on last Saturday and had to take them off again, too tight.

Have them on today and perfect.

Liesa, I have also dropped 2 sizes, hopeing for another drop soon, it is a good feeling[clap]

Got some lovely lean braising steak for tonight, will go out and get loads of veggies and make a sort of stew for tonight.

Well done to everyone for sticking with it[clap]

05-11-2005, 17:24
well done Sally!!![clap] isnt it a great feeling!!! am looking for a really good shopping trip next time we go to florida just for me!!!!!:D

06-11-2005, 11:45
Everyone seems to be doing very well, well done everyone!

(Paula, we have to have cakes for everything in work, birthdays, leavers, promotions, it being thursdays) and no, I haven't used patches. In the past I've tried everthing, patches, Zyban, puffers, lozenges, gum, hypnotherapy, all no use. This time I Just did it, I think your subconcious mind decides it's time. It's been easy really compared to the times I've failed. I could write a thread on it. I suppose I Shouldn't analyse it really, just wallow in my reflected glory[^])

Dieting's waaaay harder[msnsmile2]

Paula D-S
06-11-2005, 12:28
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
well done Sally!!![clap] isnt it a great feeling!!! am looking for a really good shopping trip next time we go to florida just for me!!!!!:D

That's what I want to do next year Liesa. I always spend an absolute fortune on my girls and husband but I never get anything for myself, I always think what's the point I want to loose weight anyway.

06-11-2005, 13:22
Well done everyone!!!!

I walked around the Trafford Centre yesterday looking for 12 long black trousers and they are in short supply, tried on 14 long and they were loose but no 12 longs to compare so I came home with nothing[msnsad] think I am in between at the moment[msnscared]

May try to order them online [msnwink]

Paula D-S
06-11-2005, 14:11
I've joined weight watchers groups in the past. I am thinking of joining online, has anyone ever done this and did you have much success. I really need a kick at the moment..I am heavier at the moment than I've been in my life, even when I was pregnant.
I just don't seem to have the motivation to stick to anything at the momentand God knows I need to.

06-11-2005, 15:20
well i am slowly putting it back on!![msncry] getting very dismayed!!

i must admit i seem to be having a craving for sweets/chocalates but as i have a mirena( say no more ;))bit up and down with girly things[msnwink] i am peeing for England so am getting a bit depressed!:(
not just me tho, steve seems to be putting on weight:( dont know what his excuse is tho[msnwink]

06-11-2005, 19:57
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
I've joined weight watchers groups in the past. I am thinking of joining online, has anyone ever done this and did you have much success. I really need a kick at the moment..I am heavier at the moment than I've been in my life, even when I was pregnant.
I just don't seem to have the motivation to stick to anything at the momentand God knows I need to.

Yes Paula and its very good[msnwink]

06-11-2005, 21:05
So do you think I can lose a stone in one month and 2 days??????????????????????

If so, let me join the slimming club now!

Liesa, you have done so well. I am truly impressed. It is good to see you all being so supportive. It obviously works.


06-11-2005, 21:14
Thanks Ellie
i have been picking and Steve my hubby is telling me off! see i didnt realise i was doing it!!
its got to stop!! i am so chuffed with my new size i dont want to put it back on!! oh and of course looking forward to next years holiday to florida and being so much slimmer!!! it'll be great!!:D

06-11-2005, 21:15
Well Ellie do you think you can lose 2lbs a week - because that is all it is (note the all!!). If you keep strictly to a diet I am sure you can. The rest of us keep sliding off ours!! Out for Sunday lunch today, supper will be soup and definately the gym tomorrow!!

06-11-2005, 22:39
Well - talking of slipping [msnscared]

Back from my trip and it will be straight back ot SW on Tuesday to assess the damage[msnsad]

Need I say more!!

06-11-2005, 22:49
Here is my OV pledge then girls...I WILL LOSE HALF A STONE BY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

A lb a week for me between now and christmas so I will be safely in a size 12[msnwink][msnwink][clap][clap][clap][clap]

06-11-2005, 23:06
Well doen Julie, I would like to do the same, and if it can be 1 stone I will be even happier!!

07-11-2005, 01:11
yes same here!!!! its not unreachable (is there such a word?)[msnwink]:D

i also pledge to lose half a stone by christmas, (would like more but will go slowly)
wish i could be in a size 12 by christmas, but hey girls Rome wasnt built in a day!![msnwink]

07-11-2005, 03:46
Hsve already donme my Stone Pledge at SW. WAs 2 pound done on that before I went away but will get back on the wagon and do my utmost to forfill that!

07-11-2005, 09:59
Its Monday so the start of a good week for all, come ladies and Paul lets keep the pledges coming in and lets loose some weight by Christmas[clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap]

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 10:00
I have joined WW online so hopefully this will give me the inspiration I need....watch this space.[msnwink]

07-11-2005, 11:47
i am feeling very positive this week, i do not want to shoot back into the 17stone area!![msnscared]
so i am going to make a very hard concious effort starting this week, i will only eat at set meal times, so for brekkie i had/having oatso simple
lunch (probably out but still healthily)
dinner/evening meals

and NO PICKING!!!! as Steve said yesterday i was picking and not really aware of doing it!![msnoo]
also its funny (well its not really) that my knee has started playing up quite badly at night time, i reckon is was something they slipped into my tea when i was at the hospital!!!![msnwink] only joking!!

i am desperate not to put it back on!!!!!
i hate being fat!!!

07-11-2005, 12:00
Ok, I'll go for a 32" waist by Christmas and a six pack.[msneek]

07-11-2005, 13:48
ok ok
i pledge that i will have reached my one stone award by christmas

but only if macka promises a photo of the six pack:D as a reward


07-11-2005, 14:09

Ok I'll post a picture of my six pack at Christmas.[xx(]

07-11-2005, 14:28
Hi all
Even though I'm not here much at the moment, I pledge to lose half a stone by the end of November. I've been "picking"far too much lately and this has not been helped by a heavy workload and high stress levels[msnscared]. However-I need to do this and no excuses!!!


07-11-2005, 14:53
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka

Ok I'll post a picture of my six pack at Christmas.[xx(]

Not a six pack of beer Paul either[msnwink][msnwink]

07-11-2005, 14:57
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka

Ok I'll post a picture of my six pack at Christmas.[xx(]

Not a six pack of beer Paul either[msnwink][msnwink]


Sally D
07-11-2005, 16:52
Have been doing so well, that was until yesterday and then I blow it, ate too much[msnscared]

OK, so I'm going to go for 1/2 stone by christmas, would like it to be 1 stone but know I won't do it.

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 17:34
Started WW online, it seems great, I planned what I am having today for breakfast, dinner and tea and it just works out all the points for you.....dead easy. I have 2 points left to play with, don't know what to do, a two finger kit kat or a banana.
I've got to learn no chocolate I will have the banana today I thinks[msnwink]

07-11-2005, 17:50
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
Started WW online, it seems great, I planned what I am having today for breakfast, dinner and tea and it just works out all the points for you.....dead easy. I have 2 points left to play with, don't know what to do, a two finger kit kat or a banana.
I've got to learn no chocolate I will have the banana today I thinks[msnwink]

So are Banana's good then? I could live on bananas if I had to.

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 17:52
It all depends on the size[msnsmile2]

07-11-2005, 17:58
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
It all depends on the size[msnsmile2]

But size isn't important is it?[msneek]

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 18:25
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
It all depends on the size[msnsmile2]

But size isn't important is it?[msneek]

Oh but Paul it is[msnsmile2]

07-11-2005, 18:26
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
It all depends on the size[msnsmile2]

But size isn't important is it?[msneek]

Keep it clean people[msnwink] family forum[msnwink]

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 18:28
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
It all depends on the size[msnsmile2]

But size isn't important is it?[msneek]

Keep it clean people[msnwink] family forum[msnwink]

Julie you have a very naughty mind, I am merely stated the points in a banana[msnsmile2]

07-11-2005, 18:29
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
It all depends on the size[msnsmile2]

But size isn't important is it?[msneek]

Keep it clean people[msnwink] family forum[msnwink]

Julie you have a very naughty mind, I am merely stated the points in a banana[msnsmile2]

I know I do[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

07-11-2005, 18:31
Sorry Auntie Julie, we wus only talking fruity.[msnembarrased]

07-11-2005, 18:33
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
Sorry Auntie Julie, we wus only talking fruity.[msnembarrased]

I am far too young to be called Auntie thank you Paul LOL!!!![msnwink]

07-11-2005, 18:36
Does Laughing count as exercise as I seem to be doing loads of that at the moment [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

07-11-2005, 18:37
Yes of course, me too!

So, aren't banana's full of carbs?

Isn't that a bad thing?

I may go on the Cousin Louis diet.

07-11-2005, 18:40
Pot ass ium lots of it in Bananas Macka !:)

07-11-2005, 18:44
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Fourdents
Pot ass ium lots of it in Bananas Macka !:)

Mmmmm potassium, yummy Lin![msneek]

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 18:44
As I was saying I have two points left, if I have a medium size banana I will still have half a point left over

07-11-2005, 18:47
Have a large one Paula, hang the expense. You're only young once!

She who dares, wins![sporty][laugh][laugh]

(sorry, it's a bloke/banana thing.)

07-11-2005, 19:41
i love bananas!!! love any fruit, some fruit is only 1/2 point for a medium apple if i remember rightly!!

07-11-2005, 20:06
Oh My God I ate chocolate last night and i have felt dreadful all day. Dont usually get myself in a state about it but have today.

It didn't bother me while i was eating it though[msneek].
IT WAS ONLY HALF A BAR[msnembarrased].

OK half a large bar. Been good today.


07-11-2005, 20:55
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by stabard
Does Laughing count as exercise as I seem to be doing loads of that at the moment [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

I read in one of the Sunday papers yesterday that laughing burns up 500 cals per hour!!!!!(Seriously, or so it said!)

Macka Posted - 07 Nov 2005 : 10:57:09

Originally posted by Mach 2

Originally posted by Macka

Ok I'll post a picture of my six pack at Christmas.


Not a six pack of beer Paul either


...or a six pack of crisps!!!(just to narrow your options further!

07-11-2005, 21:37
take Tricia (southsider ) out with you!! i mustve burnt up many calories!! shes a scream!! cant go into it but take my word for it, she'll help you lose weight any day!!
wonder how her first day on the OV slimming is doing?[msnwink]

07-11-2005, 22:25
Well I have been sooooooo good today........porridge........skinny latte.........tuna salad - no dressing and small bowl of fruit..........another skinny latte (starbucks love me).............a cup of bol sauce - no spag and melon[clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap]

Half a stone off by Xmas - Oh Yes I'm going for it[sporty][sporty][sporty][sporty][sporty]

Paula D-S
07-11-2005, 22:32
Well done Julie,
I too have been good as gold today[angel][angel]....porridge for breakfast, chicken salad sandwich for dinner and baked garlic chicken, jacket potato and veg for tea AND pudding a very very yummy ww chocolate and vanilla mousse.........not forgetting my medium sized banana[msnwink]

08-11-2005, 00:19
Well done Paula!!![clap][clap][clap] We can do this, half a stone off by Xmas[sporty][sporty][sporty]

08-11-2005, 01:27
Well Peeps you do NOT want to know what I have been eating! MIL up for her 92nd birthday and it has been food, food, food all weekend, and I take her back to Bournemouth (4 hour round trip) tomorrow! You will be pleased to know I have restrained myself and not eaten the cake, but that is about all ...........

Sunday Roast out - beef, puffties, pots and chocolate pudding - no breakfast or supper you will be pleased to hear! Lunch out today - prawn salad, but no pud (I firmly said no) (banana for brekkies[msnwink]) and chinese chow for supper as she was born and brought up in Hong Kong, plus interned by the Japs there during WW2.

Have only tomorrow to starve before weigh-in - bet you anything I have put on, do I dare get on the scales tomorrow am - was still ok today!! Back on thes straight and narrow, no more wine, no more pud, in fact no more anything unless it is on my diet[:I].

Paula D-S
08-11-2005, 01:50
Fiona is there no othe Slimming class near to you this week. Tomorrow evening is just too important to miss[msnwink]

08-11-2005, 02:06
well done to all of us!!!![clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap]

08-11-2005, 09:58
Morning all!!!

Posting a honest food diary really helps I think and may help us keep to our pledges, so lets see more food diaries on a daily basis[msnwink]

Good day for all today eh?? eh??[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]


Paula D-S
08-11-2005, 10:46
With hand on my heart I promise I will have another good day[angel]

08-11-2005, 11:23
yes from me too!!!!
i even told hubby off last night, Russ brought home some french fancy cakes[msneek] and steve insisted on having 1, i tried to tell him not too! but he wouldnt have another, perishing kid of mine, really tried shoving in in my face!!!
also refused minstrel chocs!! how good is that then!!!

also had a really bad night with both legs so even more important to try and get the weight down!!!!

so come on everyone lets have another good day!!!

we can do this if we all pull together!!!!

08-11-2005, 12:54
you want a food diary well ok here goes

green day yesterday

i had two slices organic wholemeal toast with ginger jam and a banana for brekkie(2 syns for jam)
home made spicy carrot soup for lunch
slimfast chicken korma with rice and slimming world chips for tea (4 syns)lemon cheesecake muller yog on a meringue nest chopped banana with 1/2 crushed ginger nut on top(4syns)

total 10 syns so i've been a really good girl

i've spotted my christmas season party dress its a gorgeous silk monsoon dress bustier top with floaty skirt i'm going to go and buy it today so hope it will fit


08-11-2005, 13:08
well done Mizzy!!!

i just ate my oatso simple, fruit museli, its the best !!
had same yesterday and went out for lunch, had wholemeal beef and red onlion baguette, with tortillas, then dinner i had chilli mince with boiled white rice, (i also have my meal on a smaller plate now, so my brain thinks i am still eating a "normal" size meal)
and not one snack went between my lips at any other time during the day!!! this is what i am going to look at and see if this is my problem, i will not pick at any time between meal times!!!

08-11-2005, 14:02
Morning all

Am off to SW today to get the official verdict on my hols. Am hoping it will not be too excessive as I did not snack and did lots of exercize on the trip ( Hiking, Cycling and such)

Will check in later with the results

Mizzy - the outfit sounds fab. Go for it girl. Think I will give it another couple of weeks before I start looking for my Xmas outfit [msnwink]

08-11-2005, 14:34
Mizzy, spicy carrot soup sounds fab, any chance of the recipe please??

Been in France the last two weeks and only put on a couple of pounds, mainly because no picking between meals, then soup or salad starter and LOTS of walking around.


08-11-2005, 14:40
Good Luck at sw Jan

i'm sure it will be ok
isnt it scary that moment just before you get on the scales
i do the weighing at my class and its still scary for me!!!

you are doing fantastic!!!

but i would stay away from anything "white" in the bread /pasta/rice food groups

they are full of starchy carbs that take your body ages to digest and bloat you out something awful

i know its a shock to the taste buds at first but wholemeal/wholegrain and brown are so much kinder to the digestive system and they will speed up your weight loss too
also these foods have a low GI so fill you up for longer

it took me ages to give up the white bread but now i grumble something awful to the staff if morrisons if they sell out of my favourite organic wholemeal


08-11-2005, 14:52
For Mary

Spicy Carrot Soup

peel then slice or dice 2kg carrots one large leek and put in large pan with boiling water and two vegetable stock cubes

simmer until soft and then take off heat drain off some of the water into a jug and put aside blend remaining soup until nice a smooth (i use a hend blender that sticks straight into the pan) add schwartz "spicy season all" to taste and add juice from jug until soup is desired consistency and then your all done

you can use any spices you fancy but i like the schwartz one because it gives the soup a really warm kick
if i'm feeling in a proper chef mood i will add fresh chopped coriander instead of the spice and some freshly squeezed orange juice

this will make enough soup for about 6-8 big servings (i usually freeze half)but thats only if my husband doesnt eat it all first [msntongue]


08-11-2005, 14:58
Thanks MIzzy, will give that a go later today, sounds lovely.

08-11-2005, 15:46
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by mizzy

Good Luck at sw Jan

i'm sure it will be ok
isnt it scary that moment just before you get on the scales
i do the weighing at my class and its still scary for me!!!

you are doing fantastic!!!

but i would stay away from anything "white" in the bread /pasta/rice food groups

they are full of starchy carbs that take your body ages to digest and bloat you out something awful

i know its a shock to the taste buds at first but wholemeal/wholegrain and brown are so much kinder to the digestive system and they will speed up your weight loss too
also these foods have a low GI so fill you up for longer

it took me ages to give up the white bread but now i grumble something awful to the staff if morrisons if they sell out of my favourite organic wholemeal



Thanks Mizzy, will take on board, and i just happen to have some brown rice in the cupboard will give it ago with ma chicken curry tonight!!![grouphug]

08-11-2005, 16:01
Wow! I go offline for a few hours and look what Ive missed!!!!

Well done everyone, if it goes in your mouth it goes in your food diary (no rude comments Macka!![msnwink])

I have not picked for a while, my problem areas are evenings at weekends, but I am not going off plan at all now[clap][sporty][clap][sporty]

Xmas and half a stone here we come!!![clap][clap]

08-11-2005, 16:10
same here Julie[clap][clap][clap][clap][clap][clap]

08-11-2005, 17:32
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Mach 2
Wow! I go offline for a few hours and look what Ive missed!!!!

Well done everyone, if it goes in your mouth it goes in your food diary (no rude comments Macka!![msnwink])

I have not picked for a while, my problem areas are evenings at weekends, but I am not going off plan at all now[clap][sporty][clap][sporty]

Xmas and half a stone here we come!!![clap][clap]

Me? Never!

A Quarter pounder with cheese and large fries so far.[msneek]
Well it was easier.[msnembarrased]

08-11-2005, 17:48
Hi Again

Well just got back - I am very pleased to report I have managed to stay the same. All the excercise must have worked because I know I ate loads of stuff that was not on the plan while I was away.

Anyway back on track now and here is to a lose next week.

Paula D-S
08-11-2005, 17:48
For the first time in ages I feel really positive that I can loose this extra weight. I am hoping to have an operation around March so I want to loose this excess baggage before then.

Sharon G
08-11-2005, 17:49
Well missed a couple of days here!!!!! What you all like!!!

Well I'd pledge to lose weight by Christmas but hey that not fair for me!!! I,m going to Florida this weekend for 18 days!!!![msnwink][msnwink][msncool][msncool][msncool]

... can I pledge to PUT ON weight[msnoo][msneek][msncry][msncry] ok I'll promise to try and lose when I come back.

08-11-2005, 17:56
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sharon G
Well missed a couple of days here!!!!! What you all like!!!

Well I'd pledge to lose weight by Christmas but hey that not fair for me!!! I,m going to Florida this weekend for 18 days!!!![msnwink][msnwink][msncool][msncool][msncool]

... can I pledge to PUT ON weight[msnoo][msneek][msncry][msncry] ok I'll promise to try and lose when I come back.

You are allowed Sharon, just make sure you enjoy it[msnwink]

Sharon G
08-11-2005, 17:56
Thanks Julie....I will!![msnwink]

08-11-2005, 17:57
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin
For the first time in ages I feel really positive that I can loose this extra weight. I am hoping to have an operation around March so I want to loose this excess baggage before then.

Paula, have you got much to loose before your op?

Paula D-S
08-11-2005, 18:04

Paula, have you got much to loose before your op?

I'm hoping around 2 stone, more if I'm really really good.

08-11-2005, 18:07
About a stone and a half for me I'd have thought.

Are nuts and raisins bad?

Paula D-S
08-11-2005, 18:10
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
About a stone and a half for me I'd have thought.

Are nuts and raisins bad?

Raisins aren't bad as for nuts it depends which kind

08-11-2005, 18:29
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin


Paula, have you got much to loose before your op?

I'm hoping around 2 stone, more if I'm really really good.

You can do it, we were looking at old photos and I looked so thin 10 years ago and that was as a size 12[msnscared] I need to loose it once and for all, no more babies for me!!!

08-11-2005, 18:36
Sounsd good peeps, oatflakes and skimmed milk and cottage cheese and baby toms and apple so far for me[angel] - well have to make up for the past few days don't I!

Don't forget if make soups if you have roast chicken at all boil the bones up as then you have stock for free - plus without salt. Anyone been reading about all that salt added to everything?

Raisins you have to measure out, 4syns per 28g / 1oz - any dried fruit is full of sugar, but you could have that amount in a rice salad say.

Nuts ...
Pumpkin seeds - 8 sins per 28g / 1 oz
Brazil nuts - 1 syn per nut - packed full of selenium so very good for you
Macadamia nuts - .5 syns each (10.5 per 28g)
Macadamia Nuts mixed with raisins - 6.5 per 28g
Peanuts, chocolate coated (what swear word is that on here!) 7.5 per 28g
Pecan Nuts 10 per 28g
Walnuts 10 per 28g
salted peanuts - 8.5 per 28g
Pine nuts - 8.5 per 28g
Cashew nuts - 8.5 per 28g
Hazlebuts - 9 per 28g

So all in all, nuts are off because as we all know - who can only eat 1oz!!

08-11-2005, 18:43
This may sound like a stupid question, but what is a sin/syn?

08-11-2005, 18:54
Sorry Macka this is what the Slimming World system uses. We are allowed 10/15 per day along with tons of free food and healthy extras. You can have a look at their website online.

08-11-2005, 18:54
Something NAUGHTY........just like you Macka LOL LOL [msntongue][msntongue]


08-11-2005, 18:57
I are not naughty.

Well maybe sometimes.

tell me more about the free food bit.[msnsmile2]

08-11-2005, 19:50

try slimming-world.co.uk this weeks password is squash but your not suppose to know that as its for members only ok[msnwink]

syns is slimming worlds word to poke fun at others weight loss programs


Sharon G
08-11-2005, 20:25
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
I are not naughty.

Well maybe sometimes.

tell me more about the free food bit.[msnsmile2]

You can purchase this down at your local Homeless center[msntongue][msnwink]

08-11-2005, 22:40
Another good day for me, porridge for breakfast, skinny latte mid morn, chicken salad NO DRESSING for lunch with a small fruit salad, skinny latte mid afternoon, small bowl of chilli NO RICE, and a small glass of mango smoothie[angel][angel][angel][angel][angel]

Plus 2 litres of water and several hundred trips to the loo[msnembarrased]

So pleased, not a crumb has passed my lips other than my meals above[clap][clap][clap][clap]

Got a 40 calorie hot choc for later whilst watching Trial and Retribution on ITV at 9pm[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

08-11-2005, 23:05
Oh no don't tell me rice is bad too.[msnsad]

I'll starve at this rate.

08-11-2005, 23:16
just about to have chicken curry, only got basmati rice in the cupboard, am sure it wont hurt for now, will buy wholemeal when i go shopping!
i had half a bounty this afternoon, saving the rest till tomorrow!!:D
i have been so good!!!!!! and am really enjoying it!!! cos we're all in this together

Sharon G
08-11-2005, 23:17
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
Oh no don't tell me rice is bad too.[msnsad]

I'll starve at this rate.

....as long as it doesn't have the curry sat around it!!![msnwink]

Sharon G
08-11-2005, 23:20
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
just about to have chicken curry, only got basmati rice in the cupboard, am sure it wont hurt for now, will buy wholemeal when i go shopping!
i had half a bounty this afternoon, saving the rest till tomorrow!!:D
i have been so good!!!!!! and am really enjoying it!!! cos we're all in this together

...ohh Liesa, you must have been typing when I put the above !![msnembarrased][msnembarrased]

God I love curry[msneek]...its my downfall

08-11-2005, 23:20
No I'm lucky there Sharon, I'm not a huge curry fan.

It's hard this dieting lark isn't it?

Harder than giving up smoking in my view.[msnscared]

Sharon G
08-11-2005, 23:25
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
No I'm lucky there Sharon, I'm not a huge curry fan.

It's hard this dieting lark isn't it?

Harder than giving up smoking in my view.[msnscared]
Well Macka, I take my hat off to you for doing both at the same time!![clap][clap]

I gave up smoking 10 years ago and I know I used to just eat instead of have a cigarette! I could eat anything back then and didn't put an ounce on[msnsmile2]...different story now though![msnscared]

08-11-2005, 23:34
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sharon G
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Macka
No I'm lucky there Sharon, I'm not a huge curry fan.

It's hard this dieting lark isn't it?

Harder than giving up smoking in my view.[msnscared]
Well Macka, I take my hat off to you for doing both at the same time!![clap][clap]

I gave up smoking 10 years ago and I know I used to just eat instead of have a cigarette! I could eat anything back then and didn't put an ounce on[msnsmile2]...different story now though![msnscared]

Yes me too I was 9 and a half stone until I was about 28/9. 13 stone now, probably heavier. Doesn't sound much 13 stone but it's waaay more than I feel comfy with. Mrs. Macka thinks it suits me. It's probably about right for my height. I suppose I've got the perfect physique really, it's just not arranged in the right order.[msnwink]

A bit Picassoesque you might say.[:o)]

Sharon G
09-11-2005, 00:17
Hey Macka, Something like this????

A before and after you?????

http://www.orlando-guide.info/forums/Data/sharon g/200511820172_ArnoldSchwarzenegger_1.jpg


09-11-2005, 00:27
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sharon G
Hey Macka, Something like this????

A before and after you?????

http://www.orlando-guide.info/forums/Data/sharon g/200511820172_ArnoldSchwarzenegger_1.jpg




Paula D-S
09-11-2005, 00:39
YUK I don't know which picture is worse.

Anyway have I been good today[angel]
Breakfast Porridge an 1 peice wholemeal toast
Dinner Chicken salad and Banana
Mid afternoon Pear
Tea Chicken with sweet chilli sauce and basmati rice
Pudding A super fantastic lovely tasty delicious, scrumpteous ww chocolate and vanilla mousse which I'm ashamed to admit I hid from my kids whilst I ate it because they both wanted some yesterday[msnembarrased]

09-11-2005, 01:01
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by caitlin

YUK I don't know which picture is worse.

Anyway have I been good today[angel]
Breakfast Porridge an 1 peice wholemeal toast
Dinner Chicken salad and Banana
Mid afternoon Pear
Tea Chicken with sweet chilli sauce and basmati rice
Pudding A super fantastic lovely tasty delicious, scrumpteous ww chocolate and vanilla mousse which I'm ashamed to admit I hid from my kids whilst I ate it because they both wanted some yesterday[msnembarrased]

Well done Paula sounds like you are back on track big time[clap]

I am off to watch ITV now

09-11-2005, 01:40
another good day for me today

[edited out - this is a family forums]ic toast and jam !

pasta salad for lunch and roasted stuffed peppers with rice and beans for tea

muller yoghurt and sveltesse chocolate and pear cereal bar for end of day treat( and like you Paula i hid this from the kids so i could eat it in peace when they went to bed!!)


Paula D-S
09-11-2005, 01:46
The things us Mums have to do hey Mizzy[msnwink]

09-11-2005, 01:56
hid from hubby today! a tesco healthy eating choc trifle!! i shared it with my grandson Bradley, as you do!![msnwink]
been very good!!! bet i dont lose anything this week!!![msnscared] i hope i have at least stayed the same!
am a bit annoyed now, the size 20 skirt i brought is to baggy around my waist![msncry] but its not loose enough on my thighs to go down a size yet!!! so maddening! gonna look a right odd bod! and scruffy cos my skirt falls down!! oh and my new skirt from "next" [laugh](never ever brought anything there for me!)fits lovely size 20!!!!
up down up down!!!!

09-11-2005, 10:06
Well done guys and girls we are doing well[clap][clap][clap]

I am out tonight with the girls from work, not sure what type of food will be on offer, just hope there is at least a salad??

Hope everyone has a great day, keep up the good work[msnwink][msnwink][msnwink]

09-11-2005, 11:24
it wont hurt just for once Julie to "not" have salad! its kindof let your hair down night really isnt it???
hope you have a great time!!!:)

09-11-2005, 11:31
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Sharon G
Hey Macka, Something like this????

A before and after you?????

http://www.orlando-guide.info/forums/Data/sharon g/200511820172_ArnoldSchwarzenegger_1.jpg



I'd settle for somewhere inbetween.[msnscared]

Six pack here we come!!

09-11-2005, 13:23
[msncry][msncry]well all this good work i am doing [msncry][msncry] the nurse has made me 4lbs heavier then the last weigh in and i am devastated!!![msncry]
only thing in my favour is, almost wrong time, have put weight on before at this time, also i was wearing a denim skirt, dont normally, have tried to put an old favourite of mine on, cos its light weight, but wanted to be different because i felt confident, the nurse doesnt think it did me any favours! she said i have to wear it next week, but dont think i can, its my new size 20 and its tooo big around the waist!!!:Dnot at all tight on thighs so wont be wearing it for long!!

to be honest i think this is a reality slap!!! i have been very very good since sunday since we have all made "our pledges" so next week i am hoping to slip down the plug ole!!

hope you all have better luck then i did!
keep it up girls and Macka!!

09-11-2005, 14:10

you must be rubenesque shaped like me!! thats what my husband calls it - i prefer being described as a Jessica Rabbit sort of figure!!!

none of my skirts fit on the waist they hang off me but they are nice and snug on the bottom area

denim jeans can weigh 2 lbs Leisa so it is never a good idea to get weighed in denim

so you probably havent gained 4lbs at all and sod what the nurse says Leisa if you dont want to wear the skirt then dont

god who does she think she is Trinny or Susannah

if she says anything about the skirt next week smile sweetly and ask her very nicely which one she is it will really put her in her place

dont take any [bad language filtered out] thats my motto



09-11-2005, 14:13
sorry for the bad language, i wasnt very bad just toilet humour bad

i will be a good girl, i will be a good girl, i will be a good girl

i promise[msnwink]

Sharon G
09-11-2005, 14:19
[grouphug]Keep at it Liesa[grouphug]

09-11-2005, 15:11
Morning all [msnsmile2]

Had a good day yesterday and feel I am back on the programme big style so am hoping to lose loadssssssssssss next week [msnsmile2]

You are all doing so well it is really helping to keep me going. Cheers!!

09-11-2005, 15:45
Thanks Mizzy,
the nurse is wonderful she has been supporting me for around.....2....3...4...5...6....7.??? oh i cant remember for how many years, so when i am losing weight she feels it for me!!! and she knows when i put on just how disappointed i am[msncry] the only thing that gets to me is, all the time i have been "shifting" the weight these last 2-3 months i have had no knee pain virually at all!, but now i have gained a couple of unwanted pounds my knee has been really killing me this last week!! i wonder if there is some sort of connection within the brain???
well its weird!

09-11-2005, 17:09
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by LiesaAnna
it wont hurt just for once Julie to "not" have salad! its kindof let your hair down night really isnt it???
hope you have a great time!!!:)

Thanks I am eating another salad as I type, tuna steak on salad no dressing[msnscared]

Not to worry I don't mind if it works[msnwink]

Sally D
09-11-2005, 18:20
1lb off for me this week, only 3 more to be pre-holiday weight.

Will blow it tonight as it is my Jessicas 11th birthday and at the weekend we are taking a bunch of 10/11 year olds ice skating but tonight she wants a take away, a kebab of all things[msneek]

09-11-2005, 18:33
Well done Sally[clap][clap][clap][clap]

09-11-2005, 19:32
well done Sally!!
i have 2 birthdays in my house today, Terri shes 17 (and out with boyfriend this evening,)
and Derek, hes 25 today (wouldnt guess it! he dont live with us thank goodness, dont know what hes up to this evening) so no cake in our house!!!

Paula D-S
09-11-2005, 21:47
Well done Sally[msnsmile2]

Liesa you will do this, fancy wearing a denim skirt to get weighed[V] that skirt alone especially if new and thick and heavy probably weighed almost the four pounds[grouphug]

09-11-2005, 22:40
Well done everyone. Oatflakes & skimmed milk for brekkies, plate of broad beans for lunch, hard-boiled egg when starving at 4.30, loads of water, and jacket pot, beans, cheese + 1 sausage for supper. Been shopping so now have fruit and carrots to attack. Bought some red cabbage so going to make a huge salad with it.

2 walks for the dogs today as my day at home, and off to the gym tomorrow am.

Paula D-S
09-11-2005, 23:35

Need I say anymore[msnwink]

10-11-2005, 01:19
Gosh Fiona arnt you a good girl "plate of broad beans for lunch" is that all?

today i've had [edited out - this is a family forums]ic toast and ginger jam which is all i ever have for brekkie (2syns)

a breakfast for lunch which consisted of three 95% fat free sausages four rashers of bacon (all fat cut off) mushrooms tomatoes and two fried eggs fried using fry light (1+ 1/2syns)

and i've been really good and had smoked haddock for tea with roasted vegetables followed by lemon cheesecake mullerlight

now all i need to decide is what shall i have for my end of day treat

