View Full Version : Air hockey table/ Pool table

15-11-2004, 23:08
We have a teenager who is keen on getting an air hockey table which flips over and becomes an american pool table- I wondered if they are available in Orlando and if I bought one out there how much Id have to pay to get it back here again??? My hubby did a search on the internet and found a UK owned florida villa which had one but failed to save the page for me... does anyone have any info??

huckleberry house
15-11-2004, 23:13
I know Carla has one in her home in Florida, her villa is number 135 on orlandovillas.com but I suspect the cost of having it transported to the UK would be extortionate, it is bad enough having such a heavy item delivered within the states.


15-11-2004, 23:20
We have one in our villa, please dm if you would like details of the table


15-11-2004, 23:29
We have one too, if you do a search under "pockey table" on google you'll find plenty of places now do them. Ours was around $600-$700 but the shipping to UK would be very expensive as they are VERY heavy.

15-11-2004, 23:51
Found it at last, www.gameroomstogo.com go into search with Pockey Table and it will show you a selection.

Ours was ordered over the net from the UK and was delivered to the villa without any problems.


Harry and Jayne
15-11-2004, 23:56
Tried above web address, doesn't work. Can you re check

16-11-2004, 00:13
Try it now, should work


16-11-2004, 21:11
Wwll thanks you all for that info
I have now found a supplier in UK (Thanks to a direct mail telling me manufacturers name) and the title Pockey table !!
Hopefully we will be able to find one so we can see it in person before we buy..

16-11-2004, 22:10
We went for this one Joolz:

and it weighs 280lbs. It was delivered in a huge truck, on it's own pallet and they used a mini forklift to get it from the truck to my garage. It's been in my home for a year now with no problems.

17-11-2004, 19:00
Joolz,If you cant get them in England,theres a business idea for you!
Import them and sell them on Ebay

17-11-2004, 19:37
Good idea heather - But Id have to add about 6 more hours to each day .... you know... fit it in between runnning a house, bringing up kids, feeding the troops, maths homework, work , writing book, etc etc...

17-11-2004, 23:14

19-11-2004, 00:19
You can get them in the UK for about £60 through to £200 each; noticed them in an advert at the weekend.


The same advert had pool and foosball too

19-11-2004, 21:40
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Joolz
We have a teenager who is keen on getting an air hockey table which flips over and becomes an american pool table- I wondered if they are available in Orlando and if I bought one out there how much Id have to pay to get it back here again??? My hubby did a search on the internet and found a UK owned florida villa which had one but failed to save the page for me... does anyone have any info??

We bought one a few weeks ago from sears. Cost $500 but we had to have it delivered to the store as our credit card is not registered to the US address.
It weighed 26 stone and took 4 of us to lift in and out of the mini van we had hired. It only just fit as well.
I would have to say it would cost alot of money to have it air freighted back to the UK

19-11-2004, 22:26
Funnily enough just spotted them in the Argos Christmas brochure (the new red one) 327/0521 page 27 at £349 with free delivery.
Looks virtuallt identical to our Florida one in make up just the colouring is different.

20-11-2004, 01:05
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by pieman790
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Joolz
We have a teenager who is keen on getting an air hockey table which flips over and becomes an american pool table- I wondered if they are available in Orlando and if I bought one out there how much Id have to pay to get it back here again??? My hubby did a search on the internet and found a UK owned florida villa which had one but failed to save the page for me... does anyone have any info??

We bought one a few weeks ago from sears. Cost $500 but we had to have it delivered to the store as our credit card is not registered to the US address.
It weighed 26 stone and took 4 of us to lift in and out of the mini van we had hired. It only just fit as well.
I would have to say it would cost alot of money to have it air freighted back to the UK

[msneek]We must be stronger you than you, we had to do it with two of us, I'm only 5'2', but the other half is a 20st rugby player. We lifted it in, and he just kept saying, "You can do it"[msnmad].

He always thinks I can do the same as him, I'm under half his body weight as well.[msncry]

That was only the start of adding the extras to the villa. The 250lb awning was next.[msnscared]


20-11-2004, 21:59
Hey guys We managed to get one today - they are indeed in the argos catalogue (website) but where a bit cheaper with another supplier so we thought we'd wait ... but ... our son noticed that they are in the Xmas catalogue with £100 off down to £349 so we ordered one!

20-11-2004, 22:04
"our son noticed that they are in the Xmas catalogue with £100 off down to £349 so we ordered one! "

I told you that yesterday Joolz, (even what page they're on.
:D:D:D:D Even online no-one listens to me[msncry]

21-11-2004, 02:37
I told you that yesterday Joolz, (even what page they're on.
:D:D:D:D Even online no-one listens to me[msncry]

Hey Im really sorry[msnembarrased] I did read your posting but clearly not well enough!!
I guess it must have subconsciously lodged in the old brain tho'... and made us so ready to get our order in[:I]

21-11-2004, 02:58
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by pieman790
<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Joolz
We have a teenager who is keen on getting an air hockey table which flips over and becomes an american pool table- I wondered if they are available in Orlando and if I bought one out there how much Id have to pay to get it back here again??? My hubby did a search on the internet and found a UK owned florida villa which had one but failed to save the page for me... does anyone have any info??

We bought one a few weeks ago from sears. Cost $500 but we had to have it delivered to the store as our credit card is not registered to the US address.
It weighed 26 stone and took 4 of us to lift in and out of the mini van we had hired. It only just fit as well.
I would have to say it would cost alot of money to have it air freighted back to the UK

I saw one in sears today...it looks nice......[msnsmile2]

But it never looked 26 stone......?????

21-11-2004, 12:25
"I guess it must have subconsciously lodged in the old brain tho'... and made us so ready to get our order in"

I keep trying that with my husbamd before we go shopping Joolz, but it ust be the hard hat he wears for works, stops the signals getting through.

I'm glad you managed to get one and I'm sure your son will be delighted, we'd like one over here as well but don't really have the space for the 7' table + cue length all round to play properly.

21-11-2004, 22:38
Hey Steph ... I too have that problem with hubby and now have come to an agreement that I plant the idea in his mind well before I think of buying something... it works quite well now but I think he would like a minimalist life style!! poor chap[^]

I hope this pockey table lives up to its expectations.... and tne floor/ceiling in the garage holds up!!:D
Unfortunately Argos didn't have any info on it!!! and so when the girl rang up to check if they had some info they said yes!.... it runs on the mainselectricity!!!! [msnsmile2]
So I hope its easy to turn over ?? It looks like it is on wheels in the pic?? and we are hoping it comes in 2 parts... or is it ready assembled ..how did yours arrive in US....??

21-11-2004, 23:06
Hi Joolz,
It's a bit more than 2 parts and does need 2 people to lift it onto the base when its' fully assembled, as the top is heavy. Didn't take long to put together but then my hubby is a qualified carpenter so knows his way round flatpacks quite easily. But it was fairly straightforward.
It's really easy to turn over, all you have to do is underneath the table top there are 4 leg supports on hinges which you just pull out, flip the table and push back in again and all the equipment fits underneath in a rack. no wheels though I'm afraid if you want to move it you have to lift it.

22-11-2004, 00:13
Logg onto Sears.com they have loads

22-11-2004, 02:35
It says 274 ibs weight on the sears web site. I am disabled and only have the use of one hand so it took myself and 3 others to lift it and i can say that it was heavy. We also had a foosball table on top of it. Took us about 1 hour to put it together but the instructions were very clear and easy to follow.
We are more than happy with the end product. Saves us loads of space in the garage and means we can move it over to one side and still have enought room to put a car in and outside patio stuff in there if the hurricanes come back to haunt us.

It says temp out of stock now but when we ordered 4 weeks ago it came to the store within 3 days of the order.

22-11-2004, 12:08
"Saves us loads of space in the garage and means we can move it over to one side and still have enought room to put a car in and outside patio stuff in there if the hurricanes come back to haunt us."

That was one of the main reasons we didnt go for a slate table, as once located it would be very difficult to move and mean we couldnt use the garage in an emergency if we needed to.

22-11-2004, 13:26
For those wishing to buy one in the Uk I noticed JJB sports have a sale on with these in it. www.jjb.co.uk

23-11-2004, 20:46
I checked out your pictures in the games room Bablin and the table looks really good. I think that we will get one of these when our pool table wears out.
