View Full Version : Wild Dolphins

02-11-2004, 22:52
I've just finshed talking to a guest who has returned from a 2 week stay in our villa on the Gulf.
One of the highlights was hiring a boat and stopping off in a cove for a swim:a wild dolphin came up to her 13 year old daughter and started playing in the water with her. The dolphin then left much to their disappointment only to return with a baby dolphin and stayed for another half hour or so playing around with my guests.
Quite a memory.

Mo Green
02-11-2004, 23:02
Hi Andrew
That sounds a great experience. We were planning to hire a boat ourselves when we stay in our villa in December. I hope we get a chance to be that close.

02-11-2004, 23:02
What a terrific story Andrew, a lasting memory for your guests, their daughter will never forget it.[msnsmile2]

E. Cosgrove
02-11-2004, 23:14
What a wonderful experience, certainly would make it a holiday of a lifetime[msnsmile]

02-11-2004, 23:39
It just shows....it's not only at Disney that you'll find the magic. Chloe

03-11-2004, 19:31
Your guests were really lucky Andrew. We managed to see the dolphins in the bay by Mad Sams restaurant and also off Venice fishermens pier but not close enough to swim with. What a great experience. The waitress also told me there was a manatee at Mad Sams but afraid he never appeared when we were there unfortunately.


Katys Grandad
03-11-2004, 21:24

Saw your post on another thread about Sanibel and Captiva. If you get there again go to the marina at South Seas. I have never not seen manaties there - they swim up to the boats for fresh water from the owner's hoses!

A couple of years ago we were very lucky to see about 8 mantees mating in the shallow water about 30 feet off the beach on the gulf side of Sanibel. I don't expect to see that sight again but it was truly memorable and made the evening TV news that night.

Mo Green
03-11-2004, 22:24
Katys Grandad

Thanks for the tip on spotting manatees. I will make sure we pay South Seas a visit when we go over in a few weeks time. Have been to Florida about 14 times and never ever seen a Manatee!!

05-11-2004, 03:40
Could this be done on a day trip or would you need to book somewhere overnight. My daughter would love this.


17-11-2004, 14:58
We drove down for the day from Rotunda West to Fort Myers beach and then on to sanibel and Captiva but I would dearly like to go back. Captiva was very ravaged by the hurricane - I did get to swim though and collect shells but wish I had known before about the manatees! Now he tells me! An excuse to go back if ever there was one

Lisi [8D]

17-11-2004, 15:49
Encounters with wild animals are our fondest memories of Florida

Clearwater...stayed at a small hotel which had a dock at the back. We got up at 6am each morning to say Hi to a local dolphin who without fail swam around in front of us between 6.00 and half past every morning we were there.

Clearwater Beach .... standing paddling with our children we were shocked and didn't move an inch as a school of rays swam around and in and out of us....the look on our faces was priceless.

Fort Myers....we were on the pier trying to spot dolphins...Hubby leant agianst the rail in a world of his own...he didn't see the pelican land on the rail along side him.....wished I'd had a camera when he looked left and the pelican looked right, and they came face to beak. All he kept saying after was "They're big close up you know"

17-11-2004, 18:23
We went down to Clearwater yesterday, whislt we where on the peir waiting for the sunset there where two baby dolphins playing about 10 meters off the shore, it was great for us to see them jumping, tried to get some pictures but with our digital camera being so slow we only ended up with pictures of the Gulf. But at least we have the memories[msnsmile]

Katys Grandad
17-11-2004, 21:52
I'm back on Sanibel this time next week. I'm pretty sure that South Seas hasn't re-opened for guests because of the Charley damage. The marina is open to a limited extent but of course you have to have a boat (which I don't).

I'll report back in December!

The Italian Job
18-11-2004, 00:01
You are best to book a 2 centre holiday and have a relaxing week at the Gulf coast as well as a busy 1 or 2 weeks in Orlando;)We usually see wild dolphins every time we stay at our villa and for me it makes every holiday:)

<blockquote id="quote" class="ffs">quote:Originally posted by Southsider

Could this be done on a day trip or would you need to book somewhere overnight. My daughter would love this.
