View Full Version : Virus Alert

03-10-2002, 19:46
Just to let you all know, there is a particularly nasty virus doing the rounds at the moment called W32/Bugbear@MM (for further details see http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99728.htm).

It disguises itself so it appears to come from someone you know and puts snippets of emails you have sent out in the subject and body of the email so you might see email come in with villa details in the subject line.

Be extremely careful of opening anything like this that looks suspicious as you will become infected. Your computer will then spread the virus to anyone in your addressbook possibly including details from any email you have recently sent (possibly including information you may want to keep private).

Most of the virus software suppliers have released updates to cope with this one so the best advice is to apply the very latest anti-virus updates immediately.