View Full Version : Visa Waiver

06-10-2004, 12:24
Hi Everyone,
I know the Visa Waiver question comes up all the time, however my fiance was given a fine for driving with no Insurance 2 years ago, does this mean that he will need a Visa. If so we don't go until next Sept so when would he need to go to the Embassy? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

06-10-2004, 16:30
Was he actually arrested? If so, then he needs to get a visa. The info is here, about halfway down this page. http://www.usembassy.org.uk/cons_web/visa/niv/vwp.htm

If you follow the links on the US Embassy site (link above) this tells you how to obtain a visa. They give you a wait period of around 13 weeks so, if he does need a visa, then he needs to apply early enough to ensure that he gets his passport back in good time for your trip. So, if you're going in September 2005, then around March/April 2005 would be a good time to apply.

If you have a search on the forum (link is at the top of each forum page) you'll find other info about visa waiver and visa requirements.

07-10-2004, 23:21
Just another snippet of information on the visa situation....
my partner was banned from driving [young whippersnapper then and didnt know better]in 1981 - the court has no records on file, even in their archives as they need a precise date that judgement was made and we can only appoximate - but Embassy still insist that he needs to attend for a VISA. We have been advised to apply, via the Police, for a disclosure certificate. Basically this means that if it doesnt even show up on the police system then it won't show up anywhere - so my logic is if there are no records here, then how will the USA know?? Still after spending nearly £15 on Embassy phone calls [£1.50 per minute] they are insisting that he will still need to attend for an interview............... hopefully they will realise that he has learnt his lesson, after all he earns a living being self employed as a Courier, but again I have been told there are no guarantees........
I believe they have Embassy offices in London and Ireland... you can make an appointment for either.

09-10-2004, 17:30
A friend of mine had to apply for a US visa at the US Embassy in London, they were given an appointment but still had to wait four hours at the Embassy.