- Off topic: a link for all you computer addicts!
- New Woman-Friendly Computer Device
- Airline Humour!!
- You know you are from London when...........
- Great To Be A Guy
- Use your sun screen,or else.
- Nothing to Declare.
- puns
- Holidays at Home
- The mayonnaise jar and the coffee
- Maths (& Wisdom)
- Which Disney Character are you ??
- The power of the human mind !!
- how to impress
- todays joke......
- Husband Super Store
- This ones for the Kids - Make Mr Men. No Tricks
- (Mini) Golf anyone?
- Peter Kay's Observations
- French Computers
- NASA Pictures
- Todays Blonde Joke
- One for the Ladies!
- How can you live without knowing these things?
- What your kids learn at school
- Dear God..........
- Old mans physical
- Scratch and Smell-Its wonderful!
- Men v. Women!
- 10 husbands
- Quick fire gags - By Tommy Cooper
- Philosophic Questions...........
- Women Waiting for the Perfect Man
- Free the Magic Frog
- My Mother Taught Me.....
- Anagram Generator - This is good
- Dancing Bush - Make Mr President dance!!
- Brain Teaser.
- amazing facts
- more amazing facts
- ok more boring facts
- just a little bored --------- yes thats right
- and finally
- cyber parodies
- Mrsbabypowder
- Tuesdays Brain Teaser
- Stevie Wonder is playing his first gig in Tokyo
- Please, no more threads just containing a link
- 15 fun things to do in Walmart
- 50 Fun Things to do at a WAL-MART
- airlines jokes
- Thursdays Brain Teaser
- Amazingly Simple Home Remedies
- Deep hole Joke.
- Directions for where
- Old Fred
- How to get time off work!!!!
- Jim & Mary..................
- anagrams
- What word am I ?
- Beer
- Spoof Video Is this the way to Armadillo?
- Bathroom
- Oldies but goodies
- How many fish????
- spooky
- One For The Ladies
- UFO Sighting......................
- Crazy Frog
- new roller coaster being tested
- my new 3 wheeler
- a shaggy moggy story
- What NASA haven't told us!!
- life's important questions
- Thought for the day - Take it easy
- The immortal quest
- Parakeet Joke.
- Hate that frog? (again)
- bad parenting
- Google Site Seeing
- Essex dictionary
- learn to speak redneck
- Lawyers Questions
- Just like Mom
- Rules of the Air
- Zen for those who take life too Seriously
- have we gone too far?
- 7 reasons not to mess with children.
- hokey cokey
- George Bush - king of the gaffes
- Child support agency
- A FL tale.........
- Girls, do you know how tough it is to be a man ??
- Maths Equation
- I'm starting to know the feeling
- Not in this office..............
- Doctor's office in Florida
- My husband wasn't impressed!!
- Remember When.....
- Wisdon of Peter Kay!!
- My Fave Rubbish Joke At The Moment
- PC Support
- Problem solving
- This is weird
- Shark
- Death or Freedom - can you solve it?
- We Must Stop This Immediately!!!
- You must read this
- jokes
- Anagrams
- Hop yu kan al red zis
- How Smart Are You?
- The Balloon Family
- Accurate Caption on Sky News
- Poor Mall Children
- Disorder in the Courts
- Hot Down Under
- At the Vet's
- A Romantic Story!
- I need help!
- Buried alive?
- English signs in foriegn countries
- Help the chicken cross the road
- Jaws in 30 seconds
- Spooky of what
- Dead Duck
- Labour Pains
- groan
- Test for dementia
- The Chinese Meal
- Shipwreck
- george w
- Moose Hunt
- Deadly
- Bras Explained
- My kind of doctor
- A Prayer for the Stressed
- Bride and Groom
- confession
- Children!
- men
- How smart is your right foot
- The best optical illusion ever
- Top answers
- Why I Fired My Secretary
- The right words
- Its hard to provide a sample !!!!
- Farmer Joe
- The Bakery
- Play 20 questions with an A.I.
- The atheist and the bear.
- must visit my docter this is urgent
- The Wonderful World of English
- Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
- G'day
- Stevie Wonder on Tour
- The tourist’s prayer
- females
- Three Men
- Words
- Failure
- The surrogate father
- Dilema
- The Three Tortoises
- Sundays puzzle................what does he say?
- A Love Story
- Your Driver's License
- /
- First case of Bird Flu in Florida........
- A Mother Knows
- Letter to Technical Support
- Have you ever had such good advice before?
- A Prayer Every Woman Needs..
- The World's Shortest Fairy Tale
- The Chicken and the Donkey
- not a joke just awarenes with a funny undertone
- Cuckoo!
- Mammogram Poem
- mildred
- todays joke....
- download photos
- 3 dead bodies
- curtains
- Directions
- New evening classes for men
- A New Terrorist Threat?
- Oil change
- Eight words with two meanings
- He said She said
- Oh no, another one I'm addicted to!
- If women ruled the world .....
- I think Santa Claus is a woman...............
- Quotes.............
- Zoo Joke.
- bank robbers
- How to impress.........
- The Transplant
- cake or bed!!
- Careful what you wish for
- The Old Man's Job Application
- The Eye Of The Child
- One for the girls?
- Stare at the cross
- Cool Black Cat
- How good is your mental arithmetic ?
- Blonde paint job
- Who Says Men Don't Remember Anniversaries
- So Much Fun
- Need Samples
- Circumcision
- The Truth about Growing UP!
- 3 jokes for the price of 1 !!
- naughty
- School answering service
- Vacuum Salesman
- Now Who's Stupid
- Being Six Again
- Family Forum - please
- Mid Life Crisis
- Chocolate
- eye test
- Blonde Joke
- the carburettor
- jumping blonde
- Fishing License
- rubiks/cone crazy
- Inviolate laws of nature:
- What's your Middle Earth Name?
- another blonde joke! sorry
- hospital
- At last a joke about blonde men
- A Womans Love Dress
- Can you remember????
- This is REALLY spooky!
- London Underground
- Scottish Joke
- sorry